Class MoveDecision

All Implemented Interfaces:
Writeable, ToXContent, ToXContentFragment

public final class MoveDecision extends AbstractAllocationDecision
Represents a decision to move a started shard, either because it is no longer allowed to remain on its current node or because moving it to another node will form a better cluster balance.
  • Field Details


      public static final MoveDecision NOT_TAKEN
      a constant representing no decision taken
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • writeTo

      public void writeTo(StreamOutput out) throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: Writeable
      Write this into the StreamOutput.
      Specified by:
      writeTo in interface Writeable
      writeTo in class AbstractAllocationDecision
    • stay

      public static MoveDecision stay(Decision canRemainDecision)
      Creates a move decision for the shard being able to remain on its current node, so the shard won't be forced to move to another node.
    • cannotRemain

      public static MoveDecision cannotRemain(Decision canRemainDecision, AllocationDecision allocationDecision, DiscoveryNode assignedNode, List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions)
      Creates a move decision for the shard not being allowed to remain on its current node.
      canRemainDecision - the decision for whether the shard is allowed to remain on its current node
      allocationDecision - the AllocationDecision for moving the shard to another node
      assignedNode - the node where the shard should move to
      nodeDecisions - the node-level decisions that comprised the final decision, non-null iff explain is true
      the MoveDecision for moving the shard to another node
    • cannotRebalance

      public static MoveDecision cannotRebalance(Decision canRebalanceDecision, AllocationDecision allocationDecision, int currentNodeRanking, List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions)
      Creates a move decision for when rebalancing the shard is not allowed.
    • rebalance

      public static MoveDecision rebalance(Decision canRebalanceDecision, AllocationDecision allocationDecision, @Nullable DiscoveryNode assignedNode, int currentNodeRanking, List<NodeAllocationResult> nodeDecisions)
      Creates a decision for whether to move the shard to a different node to form a better cluster balance.
    • isDecisionTaken

      public boolean isDecisionTaken()
      Description copied from class: AbstractAllocationDecision
      Returns true if a decision was taken by the allocator, false otherwise. If no decision was taken, then the rest of the fields in this object cannot be accessed and will throw an IllegalStateException.
      Specified by:
      isDecisionTaken in class AbstractAllocationDecision
    • withRemainDecision

      public MoveDecision withRemainDecision(Decision canRemainDecision)
      Creates a new move decision from this decision, plus adding a remain decision.
    • forceMove

      public boolean forceMove()
      Returns true if the shard cannot remain on its current node and can be moved, returns false otherwise. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • canRemain

      public boolean canRemain()
      Returns true if the shard can remain on its current node, returns false otherwise. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • getCanRemainDecision

      public Decision getCanRemainDecision()
      Returns the decision for the shard being allowed to remain on its current node. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • canRebalanceCluster

      public boolean canRebalanceCluster()
      Returns true if the shard is allowed to be rebalanced to another node in the cluster, returns false otherwise. If getClusterRebalanceDecision() returns null, then the result of this method is meaningless, as no rebalance decision was taken. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • getClusterRebalanceDecision

      @Nullable public Decision getClusterRebalanceDecision()
      Returns the decision for being allowed to rebalance the shard. Invoking this method will return null if canRemain() ()} returns false, which means the node is not allowed to remain on its current node, so the cluster is forced to attempt to move the shard to a different node, as opposed to attempting to rebalance the shard if a better cluster balance is possible by moving it. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • getAllocationDecision

      @Nullable public AllocationDecision getAllocationDecision()
      Returns the AllocationDecision for moving this shard to another node. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • getCurrentNodeRanking

      public int getCurrentNodeRanking()
      Gets the current ranking of the node to which the shard is currently assigned, relative to the other nodes in the cluster as reported in NodeAllocationResult.getWeightRanking(). The ranking will only return a meaningful positive integer if getClusterRebalanceDecision() returns a non-null value; otherwise, 0 will be returned. If isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
    • getExplanation

      public String getExplanation()
      Description copied from class: AbstractAllocationDecision
      Gets the explanation for the decision. If AbstractAllocationDecision.isDecisionTaken() returns false, then invoking this method will throw an IllegalStateException.
      Specified by:
      getExplanation in class AbstractAllocationDecision
    • toXContent

      public XContentBuilder toXContent(XContentBuilder builder, ToXContent.Params params) throws IOException
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object other)
      equals in class AbstractAllocationDecision
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class AbstractAllocationDecision