Enum Class ByteUtils

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<ByteUtils>, Constable

public enum ByteUtils extends Enum<ByteUtils>
Utility methods to do byte-level encoding. These methods are biased towards little-endian byte order because it is the most common byte order and reading several bytes at once may be optimizable in the future with the help of sun.mist.Unsafe.
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.lang.Enum

    Enum.EnumDesc<E extends Enum<E>>
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final VarHandle
    static final VarHandle
    static final VarHandle
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static double
    readDoubleLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in little endian format to a double.
    static float
    readFloatLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in little endian format to a float.
    static int
    readIntBE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in big endian format to an int.
    static int
    readIntLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in little endian format to an int.
    static long
    readLongBE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in big endian format to a long.
    static long
    readLongLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in little endian format to a long.
    static short
    readShortBE(byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a byte array written in big endian format to a short.
    static ByteUtils
    Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
    static ByteUtils[]
    Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
    static void
    writeDoubleLE(double val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a double to a byte array in little endian format.
    static void
    writeFloatLE(float val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a float to a byte array in little endian format.
    static void
    writeIntBE(int val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts an int to a byte array in big endian format.
    static void
    writeIntLE(int val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts an int to a byte array in little endian format.
    static void
    writeLongBE(long val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a long to a byte array in big endian format.
    static void
    writeLongLE(long val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a long to a byte array in little endian format.
    static void
    writeShortBE(short val, byte[] arr, int offset)
    Converts a short to a byte array in big endian format.
    static long
    zigZagDecode(long n)
    Zig-zag decode.
    static long
    zigZagEncode(long n)
    Zig-zag encode: this helps transforming small signed numbers into small positive numbers.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final VarHandle LITTLE_ENDIAN_INT

      public static final VarHandle LITTLE_ENDIAN_LONG

      public static final VarHandle BIG_ENDIAN_LONG
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static ByteUtils[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static ByteUtils valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • zigZagDecode

      public static long zigZagDecode(long n)
      Zig-zag decode.
    • zigZagEncode

      public static long zigZagEncode(long n)
      Zig-zag encode: this helps transforming small signed numbers into small positive numbers.
    • writeLongLE

      public static void writeLongLE(long val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a long to a byte array in little endian format.
      val - The long to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the long value in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readLongLE

      public static long readLongLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in little endian format to a long.
      arr - The byte array to read from in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from
    • writeLongBE

      public static void writeLongBE(long val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a long to a byte array in big endian format.
      val - The long to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the long value in big endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readLongBE

      public static long readLongBE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in big endian format to a long.
      arr - The byte array to read from in big endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from
    • writeIntLE

      public static void writeIntLE(int val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts an int to a byte array in little endian format.
      val - The int to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the int value in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readIntLE

      public static int readIntLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in little endian format to an int.
      arr - The byte array to read from in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from
    • writeDoubleLE

      public static void writeDoubleLE(double val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a double to a byte array in little endian format.
      val - The double to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the double value in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readDoubleLE

      public static double readDoubleLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in little endian format to a double.
      arr - The byte array to read from in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from
    • writeFloatLE

      public static void writeFloatLE(float val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a float to a byte array in little endian format.
      val - The float to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the float value in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readFloatLE

      public static float readFloatLE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in little endian format to a float.
      arr - The byte array to read from in little endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from
    • writeIntBE

      public static void writeIntBE(int val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts an int to a byte array in big endian format.
      val - The int to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the int value in big endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readIntBE

      public static int readIntBE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in big endian format to an int.
      arr - The byte array to read from in big endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from
    • writeShortBE

      public static void writeShortBE(short val, byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a short to a byte array in big endian format.
      val - The short to convert to a byte array
      arr - The byte array to write the short value in big endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to write to
    • readShortBE

      public static short readShortBE(byte[] arr, int offset)
      Converts a byte array written in big endian format to a short.
      arr - The byte array to read from in big endian layout
      offset - The offset where in the array to read from