Interface ClusterStateTaskConfig

All Known Implementing Classes:
AckedClusterStateUpdateTask, ClusterStateTaskConfig.Basic, ClusterStateUpdateTask, MigrationResultsUpdateTask, RepositoriesService.RegisterRepositoryTask, RepositoriesService.UnregisterRepositoryTask, SystemIndexMetadataUpgradeService.SystemIndexMetadataUpdateTask, TransportClusterUpdateSettingsAction.ClusterUpdateSettingsTask

public interface ClusterStateTaskConfig
Cluster state update task configuration for timeout and priority
  • Method Details

    • timeout

      @Nullable TimeValue timeout()
      The timeout for this cluster state update task configuration. If the cluster state update task isn't processed within this timeout, the associated ClusterStateTaskListener.onFailure(Exception) is invoked. Tasks arising from client requests should have a timeout which clients can adjust via the ?master_timeout query parameter, and typically defaults to 30s. In contrast, internal tasks can reasonably have an infinite timeout, especially if a timeout would simply trigger a retry.
      the timeout, or null if one is not set
    • priority

      Priority priority()
      The Priority for this cluster state update task configuration. Avoid priorities other than Priority.NORMAL where possible. A stream of higher-priority tasks can starve lower-priority ones from running. Higher-priority tasks should definitely share a ClusterStateTaskExecutor instance so that they are executed in batches.
      the priority
    • build

      static ClusterStateTaskConfig build(Priority priority)
      Build a cluster state update task configuration with the specified Priority and no timeout.
      priority - the priority for the associated cluster state update task
      the resulting cluster state update task configuration
    • build

      static ClusterStateTaskConfig build(Priority priority, TimeValue timeout)
      Build a cluster state update task configuration with the specified Priority and timeout.
      priority - the priority for the associated cluster state update task
      timeout - the timeout for the associated cluster state update task
      the result cluster state update task configuration