Interface IndicesRequest.Replaceable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AddIndexBlockRequest, AnalyzeIndexDiskUsageRequest, BroadcastRequest, ClearIndicesCacheRequest, CloneSnapshotRequest, CloseIndexRequest, ClusterHealthRequest, ClusterInfoRequest, ClusterSearchShardsRequest, ClusterStateRequest, CreateSnapshotRequest, DeleteByQueryRequest, DeleteIndexRequest, FieldCapabilitiesRequest, FieldUsageStatsRequest, FlushRequest, ForceMergeRequest, GetAliasesRequest, GetFieldMappingsRequest, GetIndexRequest, GetMappingsRequest, GetSettingsRequest, IndicesAliasesRequest.AliasActions, IndicesSegmentsRequest, IndicesShardStoresRequest, IndicesStatsRequest, OpenIndexRequest, OpenPointInTimeRequest, PutMappingRequest, RecoveryRequest, RefreshRequest, ResolveIndexAction.Request, SearchRequest, UpdateByQueryRequest, UpdateSettingsRequest, ValidateQueryRequest
Enclosing interface:

public static interface IndicesRequest.Replaceable extends IndicesRequest
  • Method Details

    • indices

      IndicesRequest indices(String... indices)
      Sets the indices that the action relates to.
    • allowsRemoteIndices

      default boolean allowsRemoteIndices()
      Determines whether the request can contain indices on a remote cluster. NOTE in theory this method can belong to the IndicesRequest interface because whether a request allowing remote indices has no inherent relationship to whether it is IndicesRequest.Replaceable or not. However, we don't have an existing request that is non-replaceable but allows remote indices. In addition, authorization code currently relies on the fact that non-replaceable requests do not allow remote indices. That said, it is possible to remove this constraint should the needs arise in the future. We just need proceed with extra caution.