Class RepositoryData


public final class RepositoryData
extends java.lang.Object
A class that represents the data in a repository, as captured in the repository's index blob.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • copy

      protected RepositoryData copy()
    • withVersions

      public RepositoryData withVersions​(java.util.Map<SnapshotId,​Version> versions)
      Creates a copy of this instance that contains updated version data.
      versions - map of snapshot versions
      copy with updated version data
    • shardGenerations

      public ShardGenerations shardGenerations()
    • getGenId

      public long getGenId()
      Gets the generational index file id from which this instance was read.
    • getSnapshotIds

      public java.util.Collection<SnapshotId> getSnapshotIds()
      Returns an unmodifiable collection of the snapshot ids.
    • getSnapshotState

      @Nullable public SnapshotState getSnapshotState​(SnapshotId snapshotId)
      Returns the SnapshotState for the given snapshot. Returns null if there is no state for the snapshot.
    • getVersion

      @Nullable public Version getVersion​(SnapshotId snapshotId)
      Returns the Version for the given snapshot or null if unknown.
    • getIndices

      public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​IndexId> getIndices()
      Returns an unmodifiable map of the index names to IndexId in the repository.
    • indicesToUpdateAfterRemovingSnapshot

      public java.util.List<IndexId> indicesToUpdateAfterRemovingSnapshot​(java.util.Collection<SnapshotId> snapshotIds)
      Returns the list of IndexId that have their snapshots updated but not removed (because they are still referenced by other snapshots) after removing the given snapshot from the repository.
      snapshotIds - SnapshotId to remove
      List of indices that are changed but not removed
    • addSnapshot

      public RepositoryData addSnapshot​(SnapshotId snapshotId, SnapshotState snapshotState, Version version, ShardGenerations shardGenerations)
      Add a snapshot and its indices to the repository; returns a new instance. If the snapshot already exists in the repository data, this method throws an IllegalArgumentException.
      snapshotId - Id of the new snapshot
      snapshotState - State of the new snapshot
      shardGenerations - Updated shard generations in the new snapshot. For each index contained in the snapshot an array of new generations indexed by the shard id they correspond to must be supplied.
    • withGenId

      public RepositoryData withGenId​(long newGeneration)
      Create a new instance with the given generation and all other fields equal to this instance.
      newGeneration - New Generation
      New instance
    • removeSnapshots

      public RepositoryData removeSnapshots​(java.util.Collection<SnapshotId> snapshots, ShardGenerations updatedShardGenerations)
      Remove snapshots and remove any indices that no longer exist in the repository due to the deletion of the snapshots.
      snapshots - Snapshot ids to remove
      updatedShardGenerations - Shard generations that changed as a result of removing the snapshot. The String[] passed for each IndexId contains the new shard generation id for each changed shard indexed by its shardId
    • getSnapshots

      public java.util.List<SnapshotId> getSnapshots​(IndexId indexId)
      Returns an immutable collection of the snapshot ids for the snapshots that contain the given index.
    • equals

      public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • resolveIndexId

      public IndexId resolveIndexId​(java.lang.String indexName)
      Resolve the index name to the index id specific to the repository, throwing an exception if the index could not be resolved.
    • resolveIndices

      public java.util.List<IndexId> resolveIndices​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> indices)
      Resolve the given index names to index ids.
    • resolveNewIndices

      public java.util.List<IndexId> resolveNewIndices​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> indicesToResolve)
      Resolve the given index names to index ids, creating new index ids for new indices in the repository.
    • snapshotsToXContent

      public XContentBuilder snapshotsToXContent​(XContentBuilder builder, boolean shouldWriteShardGens) throws
      Writes the snapshots metadata and the related indices metadata to x-content.
    • snapshotsFromXContent

      public static RepositoryData snapshotsFromXContent​(XContentParser parser, long genId, boolean fixBrokenShardGens) throws
      Reads an instance of RepositoryData from x-content, loading the snapshots and indices metadata.
      fixBrokenShardGens - set to true to filter out broken shard generations read from the parser via ShardGenerations.fixShardGeneration(java.lang.String). Used to disable fixing broken generations when reading from cached bytes that we trust to not contain broken generations.