Class IndexRequestBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • setType

        public IndexRequestBuilder setType​(java.lang.String type)
        Sets the type to index the document to.
      • setId

        public IndexRequestBuilder setId​(java.lang.String id)
        Sets the id to index the document under. Optional, and if not set, one will be automatically generated.
      • setRouting

        public IndexRequestBuilder setRouting​(java.lang.String routing)
        Controls the shard routing of the request. Using this value to hash the shard and not the id.
      • setSource

        public IndexRequestBuilder setSource​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> source)
        Index the Map as a JSON.
        source - The map to index
      • setSource

        public IndexRequestBuilder setSource​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​?> source,
                                             XContentType contentType)
        Index the Map as the provided content type.
        source - The map to index
      • setSource

        public IndexRequestBuilder setSource​(byte[] source,
                                             int offset,
                                             int length,
                                             XContentType xContentType)
        Sets the document to index in bytes form (assumed to be safe to be used from different threads).
        source - The source to index
        offset - The offset in the byte array
        length - The length of the data
        xContentType - The type/format of the source
      • setSource

        public IndexRequestBuilder setSource​(java.lang.Object... source)
        Constructs a simple document with a field name and value pairs.

        Note: the number of objects passed to this method must be an even number. Also the first argument in each pair (the field name) must have a valid String representation.

      • setSource

        public IndexRequestBuilder setSource​(XContentType xContentType,
                                             java.lang.Object... source)
        Constructs a simple document with a field name and value pairs.

        Note: the number of objects passed as varargs to this method must be an even number. Also the first argument in each pair (the field name) must have a valid String representation.

      • setVersion

        public IndexRequestBuilder setVersion​(long version)
        Sets the version, which will cause the index operation to only be performed if a matching version exists and no changes happened on the doc since then.
      • setIfSeqNo

        public IndexRequestBuilder setIfSeqNo​(long seqNo)
        only perform this indexing request if the document was last modification was assigned the given sequence number. Must be used in combination with setIfPrimaryTerm(long) If the document last modification was assigned a different sequence number a VersionConflictEngineException will be thrown.
      • setIfPrimaryTerm

        public IndexRequestBuilder setIfPrimaryTerm​(long term)
        only perform this indexing request if the document was last modification was assigned the given primary term. Must be used in combination with setIfSeqNo(long) If the document last modification was assigned a different term a VersionConflictEngineException will be thrown.
      • setPipeline

        public IndexRequestBuilder setPipeline​(java.lang.String pipeline)
        Sets the ingest pipeline to be executed before indexing the document