Class RestHandler.Route.RouteBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static class RestHandler.Route.RouteBuilder extends Object
  • Method Details

    • deprecated

      public RestHandler.Route.RouteBuilder deprecated(String deprecationMessage, RestApiVersion deprecatedInVersion)
      Marks that the route being built has been deprecated (for some reason -- the deprecationMessage), and notes the major version in which that deprecation occurred.

      For example:

       Route.builder(GET, "_upgrade")
        .deprecated("The _upgrade API is no longer useful and will be removed.", RestApiVersion.V_7)
      deprecationMessage - the user-visible explanation of this deprecation
      deprecatedInVersion - the major version in which the deprecation occurred
      a reference to this object.
    • deprecated

      public RestHandler.Route.RouteBuilder deprecated(String deprecationMessage, org.apache.logging.log4j.Level deprecationLevel, RestApiVersion deprecatedInVersion)
      Marks that the route being built has been deprecated (for some reason -- the deprecationMessage), and notes the major version in which that deprecation occurred.

      For example:

       Route.builder(GET, "_upgrade")
        .deprecated("The _upgrade API is no longer useful and will be removed.", RestApiVersion.V_7)
      deprecationMessage - the user-visible explanation of this deprecation
      deprecationLevel - the level at which to log the deprecation
      deprecatedInVersion - the major version in which the deprecation occurred
      a reference to this object.
    • replaces

      public RestHandler.Route.RouteBuilder replaces(RestRequest.Method method, String path, RestApiVersion replacedInVersion)
      Marks that the route being built replaces another route, and notes the major version in which that replacement occurred.

      For example:

       Route.builder(GET, "/_security/user/")
         .replaces(GET, "/_xpack/security/user/", RestApiVersion.V_7).build()
      method - the method being replaced
      path - the path being replaced
      replacedInVersion - the major version in which the replacement occurred
      a reference to this object.
    • build

      public RestHandler.Route build()