Interface ReplicationOperation.Primary<RequestT extends ReplicationRequest<RequestT>,ReplicaRequestT extends ReplicationRequest<ReplicaRequestT>,PrimaryResultT extends ReplicationOperation.PrimaryResult<ReplicaRequestT>>

Enclosing class:
ReplicationOperation<Request extends ReplicationRequest<Request>,ReplicaRequest extends ReplicationRequest<ReplicaRequest>,PrimaryResultT extends ReplicationOperation.PrimaryResult<ReplicaRequest>>

public static interface ReplicationOperation.Primary<RequestT extends ReplicationRequest<RequestT>,ReplicaRequestT extends ReplicationRequest<ReplicaRequestT>,PrimaryResultT extends ReplicationOperation.PrimaryResult<ReplicaRequestT>>
An encapsulation of an operation that is to be performed on the primary shard
  • Method Details

    • routingEntry

      ShardRouting routingEntry()
      routing entry for this primary
    • failShard

      void failShard(String message, Exception exception)
      Fail the primary shard.
      message - the failure message
      exception - the exception that triggered the failure
    • perform

      void perform(RequestT request, ActionListener<PrimaryResultT> listener)
      Performs the given request on this primary. Yes, this returns as soon as it can with the request for the replicas and calls a listener when the primary request is completed. Yes, the primary request might complete before the method returns. Yes, it might also complete after. Deal with it.
      request - the request to perform
      listener - result listener
    • updateLocalCheckpointForShard

      void updateLocalCheckpointForShard(String allocationId, long checkpoint)
      Notifies the primary of a local checkpoint for the given allocation. Note: The primary will use this information to advance the global checkpoint if possible.
      allocationId - allocation ID of the shard corresponding to the supplied local checkpoint
      checkpoint - the *local* checkpoint for the shard
    • updateGlobalCheckpointForShard

      void updateGlobalCheckpointForShard(String allocationId, long globalCheckpoint)
      Update the local knowledge of the global checkpoint for the specified allocation ID.
      allocationId - the allocation ID to update the global checkpoint for
      globalCheckpoint - the global checkpoint
    • localCheckpoint

      long localCheckpoint()
      Returns the persisted local checkpoint on the primary shard.
      the local checkpoint
    • computedGlobalCheckpoint

      long computedGlobalCheckpoint()
      Returns the global checkpoint computed on the primary shard.
      the computed global checkpoint
    • globalCheckpoint

      long globalCheckpoint()
      Returns the persisted global checkpoint on the primary shard.
      the persisted global checkpoint
    • maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes

      long maxSeqNoOfUpdatesOrDeletes()
      Returns the maximum seq_no of updates (index operations overwrite Lucene) or deletes on the primary. This value must be captured after the execution of a replication request on the primary is completed.
    • getReplicationGroup

      ReplicationGroup getReplicationGroup()
      Returns the current replication group on the primary shard
      the replication group
    • getPendingReplicationActions

      PendingReplicationActions getPendingReplicationActions()
      Returns the pending replication actions on the primary shard
      the pending replication actions