Class IndicesService

All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.AutoCloseable, java.lang.Iterable<IndexService>, LifecycleComponent,, IndexService.ShardStoreDeleter, IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>

public class IndicesService
extends AbstractLifecycleComponent
implements IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>, IndexService.ShardStoreDeleter
  • Field Details


      public static final java.lang.String INDICES_SHARDS_CLOSED_TIMEOUT
      See Also:
      Constant Field Values

      public static final Setting<org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue> INDICES_CACHE_CLEAN_INTERVAL_SETTING

      public static final Setting<java.lang.Boolean> INDICES_ID_FIELD_DATA_ENABLED_SETTING

      public static final Setting<java.lang.Boolean> WRITE_DANGLING_INDICES_INFO_SETTING
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • doStart

      protected void doStart()
      Specified by:
      doStart in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • clusterService

      public ClusterService clusterService()
    • doStop

      protected void doStop()
      Specified by:
      doStop in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • doClose

      protected void doClose() throws
      Specified by:
      doClose in class AbstractLifecycleComponent
    • awaitClose

      public boolean awaitClose​(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit timeUnit) throws java.lang.InterruptedException
      Wait for this IndicesService to be effectively closed. When this returns true, all shards and shard stores are closed and all shard closed listeners have run. However some shard closed listeners might not have run.
      true if all shards closed within the given timeout, false otherwise
      java.lang.InterruptedException - if the current thread got interrupted while waiting for shards to close
    • stats

      public NodeIndicesStats stats​(CommonStatsFlags flags)
    • iterator

      public java.util.Iterator<IndexService> iterator()
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface java.lang.Iterable<IndexService>
    • hasIndex

      public boolean hasIndex​(Index index)
    • indexService

      @Nullable public IndexService indexService​(Index index)
      Returns an IndexService for the specified index if exists otherwise returns null.
      Specified by:
      indexService in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
    • indexServiceSafe

      public IndexService indexServiceSafe​(Index index)
      Returns an IndexService for the specified index if exists otherwise a IndexNotFoundException is thrown.
    • createIndex

      public IndexService createIndex​(IndexMetadata indexMetadata, java.util.List<IndexEventListener> builtInListeners, boolean writeDanglingIndices) throws
      Creates a new IndexService for the given metadata.
      Specified by:
      createIndex in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
      indexMetadata - the index metadata to create the index for
      builtInListeners - a list of built-in lifecycle IndexEventListener that should should be used along side with the per-index listeners
      writeDanglingIndices - whether dangling indices information should be written
      ResourceAlreadyExistsException - if the index already exists.
    • withTempIndexService

      public <T,​ E extends java.lang.Exception> T withTempIndexService​(IndexMetadata indexMetadata, org.elasticsearch.common.CheckedFunction<IndexService,​T,​E> indexServiceConsumer) throws, E extends java.lang.Exception
      E extends java.lang.Exception
    • createIndexMapperService

      public MapperService createIndexMapperService​(IndexMetadata indexMetadata) throws
      creates a new mapper service for the given index, in order to do administrative work like mapping updates. This *should not* be used for document parsing. Doing so will result in an exception. Note: the returned MapperService should be closed when unneeded.
    • verifyIndexMetadata

      public void verifyIndexMetadata​(IndexMetadata metadata, IndexMetadata metadataUpdate) throws
      This method verifies that the given metadata holds sane values to create an IndexService. This method tries to update the meta data of the created IndexService if the given metadataUpdate is different from the given metadata. This method will throw an exception if the creation or the update fails. The created IndexService will not be registered and will be closed immediately.
    • createShard

      public IndexShard createShard​(ShardRouting shardRouting, PeerRecoveryTargetService recoveryTargetService, PeerRecoveryTargetService.RecoveryListener recoveryListener, RepositoriesService repositoriesService, java.util.function.Consumer<IndexShard.ShardFailure> onShardFailure, java.util.function.Consumer<ShardId> globalCheckpointSyncer, RetentionLeaseSyncer retentionLeaseSyncer, DiscoveryNode targetNode, DiscoveryNode sourceNode) throws
      Description copied from interface: IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices
      Creates a shard for the specified shard routing and starts recovery.
      Specified by:
      createShard in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
      shardRouting - the shard routing
      recoveryTargetService - recovery service for the target
      recoveryListener - a callback when recovery changes state (finishes or fails)
      repositoriesService - service responsible for snapshot/restore
      onShardFailure - a callback when this shard fails
      globalCheckpointSyncer - a callback when this shard syncs the global checkpoint
      retentionLeaseSyncer - a callback when this shard syncs retention leases
      targetNode - the node where this shard will be recovered
      sourceNode - the source node to recover this shard from (it might be null)
      a new shard
      Throws: - if an I/O exception occurs when creating the shard
    • removeIndex

      public void removeIndex​(Index index, IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices.IndexRemovalReason reason, java.lang.String extraInfo)
      Description copied from interface: IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices
      Removes the given index from this service and releases all associated resources. Persistent parts of the index like the shards files, state and transaction logs are kept around in the case of a disaster recovery.
      Specified by:
      removeIndex in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
      index - the index to remove
      reason - the reason to remove the index
      extraInfo - extra information that will be used for logging and reporting
    • getIndicesFieldDataCache

      public IndicesFieldDataCache getIndicesFieldDataCache()
    • getCircuitBreakerService

      public CircuitBreakerService getCircuitBreakerService()
    • getIndicesQueryCache

      public IndicesQueryCache getIndicesQueryCache()
    • deleteUnassignedIndex

      public void deleteUnassignedIndex​(java.lang.String reason, IndexMetadata oldIndexMetadata, ClusterState clusterState)
      Deletes an index that is not assigned to this node. This method cleans up all disk folders relating to the index but does not deal with in-memory structures. For those call removeIndex(Index, IndexRemovalReason, String)
      Specified by:
      deleteUnassignedIndex in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
    • deleteShardStore

      public void deleteShardStore​(java.lang.String reason, ShardLock lock, IndexSettings indexSettings) throws
      Deletes the shard with an already acquired shard lock.
      Specified by:
      deleteShardStore in interface IndexService.ShardStoreDeleter
      reason - the reason for the shard deletion
      lock - the lock of the shard to delete
      indexSettings - the shards index settings.
      Throws: - if an IOException occurs
    • deleteShardStore

      public void deleteShardStore​(java.lang.String reason, ShardId shardId, ClusterState clusterState) throws, ShardLockObtainFailedException
      This method deletes the shard contents on disk for the given shard ID. This method will fail if the shard deleting is prevented by canDeleteShardContent(ShardId, IndexSettings) of if the shards lock can not be acquired. On data nodes, if the deleted shard is the last shard folder in its index, the method will attempt to remove the index folder as well.
      reason - the reason for the shard deletion
      shardId - the shards ID to delete
      clusterState - . This is required to access the indexes settings etc.
      Throws: - if an IOException occurs
    • canDeleteIndexContents

      public boolean canDeleteIndexContents​(Index index, IndexSettings indexSettings)
      This method returns true if the current node is allowed to delete the given index. This is the case if the index is deleted in the metadata or there is no allocation on the local node and the index isn't on a shared file system.
      index - Index to check whether deletion is allowed
      indexSettings - IndexSettings for the given index
      true if the index can be deleted on this node
    • verifyIndexIsDeleted

      @Nullable public IndexMetadata verifyIndexIsDeleted​(Index index, ClusterState clusterState)
      Verify that the contents on disk for the given index is deleted; if not, delete the contents. This method assumes that an index is already deleted in the cluster state and/or explicitly through index tombstones.
      Specified by:
      verifyIndexIsDeleted in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
      index - Index to make sure its deleted from disk
      clusterState - ClusterState to ensure the index is not part of it
      IndexMetadata for the index loaded from disk
    • canDeleteShardContent

      public IndicesService.ShardDeletionCheckResult canDeleteShardContent​(ShardId shardId, IndexSettings indexSettings)
      Returns ShardDeletionCheckResult signaling whether the shards content for the given shard can be deleted.
      shardId - the shard to delete.
      indexSettings - the shards's relevant IndexSettings. This is required to access the indexes settings etc.
    • addPendingDelete

      public void addPendingDelete​(ShardId shardId, IndexSettings settings)
      Adds a pending delete for the given index shard.
      Specified by:
      addPendingDelete in interface IndexService.ShardStoreDeleter
    • addPendingDelete

      public void addPendingDelete​(Index index, IndexSettings settings)
      Adds a pending delete for the given index.
    • processPendingDeletes

      public void processPendingDeletes​(Index index, IndexSettings indexSettings, org.elasticsearch.common.unit.TimeValue timeout) throws, java.lang.InterruptedException, ShardLockObtainFailedException
      Processes all pending deletes for the given index. This method will acquire all locks for the given index and will process all pending deletes for this index. Pending deletes might occur if the OS doesn't allow deletion of files because they are used by a different process ie. on Windows where files might still be open by a virus scanner. On a shared filesystem a replica might not have been closed when the primary is deleted causing problems on delete calls so we schedule there deletes later.
      Specified by:
      processPendingDeletes in interface IndicesClusterStateService.AllocatedIndices<IndexShard,​IndexService>
      index - the index to process the pending deletes for
      timeout - the timeout used for processing pending deletes
    • hasUncompletedPendingDeletes

      public boolean hasUncompletedPendingDeletes()
      Checks if all pending deletes have completed. Used by tests to ensure we don't check directory contents while deletion still ongoing. * The reason is that, on Windows, browsing the directory contents can interfere with the deletion process and delay it unnecessarily.
    • getAnalysis

      public AnalysisRegistry getAnalysis()
    • canCache

      public boolean canCache​(ShardSearchRequest request, SearchContext context)
      Can the shard request be cached at all?
    • loadIntoContext

      public void loadIntoContext​(ShardSearchRequest request, SearchContext context, QueryPhase queryPhase) throws java.lang.Exception
      Loads the cache result, computing it if needed by executing the query phase and otherwise deserializing the cached value into the context's query result. The combination of load + compute allows to have a single load operation that will cause other requests with the same key to wait till its loaded an reuse the same cache.
    • getTotalIndexingBufferBytes

      public ByteSizeValue getTotalIndexingBufferBytes()
    • buildAliasFilter

      public AliasFilter buildAliasFilter​(ClusterState state, java.lang.String index, java.util.Set<java.lang.String> resolvedExpressions)
    • getRewriteContext

      public QueryRewriteContext getRewriteContext​(java.util.function.LongSupplier nowInMillis)
      Returns a new QueryRewriteContext with the given now provider
    • getCoordinatorRewriteContextProvider

      public CoordinatorRewriteContextProvider getCoordinatorRewriteContextProvider​(java.util.function.LongSupplier nowInMillis)
    • clearIndexShardCache

      public void clearIndexShardCache​(ShardId shardId, boolean queryCache, boolean fieldDataCache, boolean requestCache, java.lang.String... fields)
      Clears the caches for the given shard id if the shard is still allocated on this node
    • getFieldFilter

      public java.util.function.Function<java.lang.String,​java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String>> getFieldFilter()
      Returns a function which given an index name, returns a predicate which fields must match in order to be returned by get mappings, get index, get field mappings and field capabilities API. Useful to filter the fields that such API return. The predicate receives the field name as input argument. In case multiple plugins register a field filter through MapperPlugin.getFieldFilter(), only fields that match all the registered filters will be returned by get mappings, get index, get field mappings and field capabilities API.
    • getMetadataFields

      public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getMetadataFields​(Version version)
      Returns the registered metadata field names for the provided compatible Version.
    • getAllMetadataFields

      public java.util.Set<java.lang.String> getAllMetadataFields()
      Returns the registered metadata field names for all compatible versions.
    • isIdFieldDataEnabled

      public boolean isIdFieldDataEnabled()
      Returns true if fielddata is enabled for the IdFieldMapper field, false otherwise.
    • allPendingDanglingIndicesWritten

      public boolean allPendingDanglingIndicesWritten()
    • getTimestampFieldType

      @Nullable public DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType getTimestampFieldType​(Index index)
      the field type of the @timestamp field of the given index, or null if: - the index is not found, - the field is not found, or - the field is not a timestamp field.