Class Key<T>


public class Key<T>
extends java.lang.Object
Binding key consisting of an injection type and an optional annotation. Matches the type and annotation at a point of injection.

For example, Key.get(Service.class, Transactional.class) will match:

   public void setService(@Transactional Service service) {

Key supports generic types via subclassing just like TypeLiteral.

Keys do not differentiate between primitive types (int, char, etc.) and their corresponding wrapper types (Integer, Character, etc.). Primitive types will be replaced with their wrapper types when keys are created.

  • Constructor Summary

    Modifier Constructor Description
    protected Key()
    Constructs a new key.
    protected Key​(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
    Constructs a new key.
    protected Key​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
    Constructs a new key.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)  
    static <T> Key<T> get​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
    Gets a key for an injection type.
    static <T> Key<T> get​(java.lang.Class<T> type, java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
    Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
    static <T> Key<T> get​(java.lang.Class<T> type, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
    Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
    static Key<?> get​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
    Gets a key for an injection type.
    static Key<?> get​(java.lang.reflect.Type type, java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
    Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
    static Key<?> get​(java.lang.reflect.Type type, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
    Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
    static <T> Key<T> get​(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral)
    Gets a key for an injection type.
    static <T> Key<T> get​(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
    Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
    static <T> Key<T> get​(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
    Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
    java.lang.annotation.Annotation getAnnotation()
    Gets the annotation.
    java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> getAnnotationType()
    Gets the annotation type.
    TypeLiteral<T> getTypeLiteral()
    Gets the key type.
    int hashCode()  
    java.lang.String toString()  

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Key

      protected Key​(java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
      Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter.

      Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it at runtime despite erasure.

      Example usage for a binding of type Foo annotated with @Bar:

      new Key<Foo>(Bar.class) {}.

    • Key

      protected Key​(java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
      Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter.

      Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it at runtime despite erasure.

      Example usage for a binding of type Foo annotated with @Bar:

      new Key<Foo>(new Bar()) {}.

    • Key

      protected Key()
      Constructs a new key. Derives the type from this class's type parameter.

      Clients create an empty anonymous subclass. Doing so embeds the type parameter in the anonymous class's type hierarchy so we can reconstitute it at runtime despite erasure.

      Example usage for a binding of type Foo:

      new Key<Foo>() {}.

  • Method Details

    • getTypeLiteral

      public final TypeLiteral<T> getTypeLiteral()
      Gets the key type.
    • getAnnotationType

      public final java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> getAnnotationType()
      Gets the annotation type.
    • getAnnotation

      public final java.lang.annotation.Annotation getAnnotation()
      Gets the annotation.
    • equals

      public final boolean equals​(java.lang.Object o)
      equals in class java.lang.Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class java.lang.Object
    • toString

      public final java.lang.String toString()
      toString in class java.lang.Object
    • get

      public static <T> Key<T> get​(java.lang.Class<T> type)
      Gets a key for an injection type.
    • get

      public static <T> Key<T> get​(java.lang.Class<T> type, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
      Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
    • get

      public static <T> Key<T> get​(java.lang.Class<T> type, java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
      Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
    • get

      public static Key<?> get​(java.lang.reflect.Type type)
      Gets a key for an injection type.
    • get

      public static Key<?> get​(java.lang.reflect.Type type, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
      Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
    • get

      public static Key<?> get​(java.lang.reflect.Type type, java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
      Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.
    • get

      public static <T> Key<T> get​(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral)
      Gets a key for an injection type.
    • get

      public static <T> Key<T> get​(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, java.lang.Class<? extends java.lang.annotation.Annotation> annotationType)
      Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation type.
    • get

      public static <T> Key<T> get​(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, java.lang.annotation.Annotation annotation)
      Gets a key for an injection type and an annotation.