Class TermVectorsRequestBuilder


public class TermVectorsRequestBuilder
extends ActionRequestBuilder<TermVectorsRequest,​TermVectorsResponse>
The builder class for a term vector request. Returns the term vector (doc frequency, positions, offsets) for a document.

Note, the index, type and id are required.

  • Constructor Details

    • TermVectorsRequestBuilder

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder​(ElasticsearchClient client, TermVectorsAction action)
    • TermVectorsRequestBuilder

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder​(ElasticsearchClient client, TermVectorsAction action, java.lang.String index, java.lang.String type, java.lang.String id)
      Constructs a new term vector request builder for a document that will be fetch from the provided index. Use index, type and id to specify the document to load.
  • Method Details

    • setIndex

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setIndex​(java.lang.String index)
      Sets the index where the document is located.
    • setType

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setType​(java.lang.String type)
      Sets the type of the document.
    • setId

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setId​(java.lang.String id)
      Sets the id of the document.
    • setDoc

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setDoc​(org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder xContent)
      Sets the artificial document from which to generate term vectors.
    • setRouting

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setRouting​(java.lang.String routing)
      Sets the routing. Required if routing isn't id based.
    • setPreference

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setPreference​(java.lang.String preference)
      Sets the preference to execute the search. Defaults to randomize across shards. Can be set to _local to prefer local shards or a custom value, which guarantees that the same order will be used across different requests.
    • setOffsets

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setOffsets​(boolean offsets)
      Sets whether to return the start and stop offsets for each term if they were stored or skip offsets.
    • setPositions

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setPositions​(boolean positions)
      Sets whether to return the positions for each term if stored or skip.
    • setPayloads

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setPayloads​(boolean payloads)
      Sets whether to return the payloads for each term or skip.
    • setTermStatistics

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setTermStatistics​(boolean termStatistics)
      Sets whether to return the term statistics for each term in the shard or skip.
    • setFieldStatistics

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setFieldStatistics​(boolean fieldStatistics)
      Sets whether to return the field statistics for each term in the shard or skip.
    • setSelectedFields

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setSelectedFields​(java.lang.String... fields)
      Sets whether to return only term vectors for special selected fields. Returns the term vectors for all fields if selectedFields == null
    • setRealtime

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setRealtime​(boolean realtime)
      Sets whether term vectors are generated real-time.
    • setVersion

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setVersion​(long version)
    • setVersionType

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setVersionType​(VersionType versionType)
    • setPerFieldAnalyzer

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setPerFieldAnalyzer​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> perFieldAnalyzer)
      Sets the analyzer used at each field when generating term vectors.
    • setFilterSettings

      public TermVectorsRequestBuilder setFilterSettings​(TermVectorsRequest.FilterSettings filterSettings)
      Sets the settings for filtering out terms.