Package org.elasticsearch.action
Actions that Elasticsearch can take either on the data stored on disk or on other nodes.
Interface Summary Interface Description ActionFuture<T> An extension toFuture
allowing for simplified "get" operations.ActionListener<Response> A listener for action responses or failures.AliasesRequest Needs to be implemented by allActionRequest
subclasses that relate to one or more indices and one or more aliases.CompositeIndicesRequest Marker interface that needs to be implemented by allActionRequest
subclasses that are composed of multiple sub-requests which relate to one or more indices.DocWriteRequest<T> Generic interface to group ActionRequest, which perform writes to a single document Action requests implementing this can be part ofBulkRequest
IndicesRequest Needs to be implemented by allActionRequest
subclasses that relate to one or more indices.IndicesRequest.Replaceable ListenableActionFuture<T> AnActionFuture
that listeners can be added to.RealtimeRequest Indicates that a request can execute in realtime (reads from the translog). -
Class Summary Class Description Action<Request extends ActionRequest,Response extends ActionResponse,RequestBuilder extends ActionRequestBuilder<Request,Response,RequestBuilder>> Base action.ActionListenerResponseHandler<Response extends TransportResponse> A simple base class for action response listeners, defaulting to using the SAME executor (as its very common on response handlers).ActionModule Builds and binds the generic action map, allTransportAction
s, andActionFilters
.ActionRequest ActionRequestBuilder<Request extends ActionRequest,Response extends ActionResponse,RequestBuilder extends ActionRequestBuilder<Request,Response,RequestBuilder>> ActionResponse Base class for responses to action requests.ActionRunnable<Response> Base class forRunnable
s that need to callActionListener.onFailure(Exception)
in case an uncaught exception or error is thrown while the actual action is run.DocWriteResponse A base class for the response of a write operation that involves a single docDocWriteResponse.Builder Base class of allDocWriteResponse
builders.GenericAction<Request extends ActionRequest,Response extends ActionResponse> A generic action.LatchedActionListener<T> An action listener that allows passing in aCountDownLatch
that will be counted down after onResponse or onFailure is calledNotifyOnceListener<Response> A listener that ensures that only one of onResponse or onFailure is called.OriginalIndices Used to keep track of original indices within internal (e.g.ShardOperationFailedException An exception indicating that a failure occurred performing an operation on the shard.StepListener<Response> AStepListener
provides a simple way to write a flow consisting of multiple asynchronous steps without having nested callbacks.TaskOperationFailure Information about task operation failures The class is final due to serialization limitationsTransportActionNodeProxy<Request extends ActionRequest,Response extends ActionResponse> A generic proxy that will execute the given action against a specific node.ValidateActions -
Enum Summary Enum Description DocWriteRequest.OpType Requested operation type to perform on the documentDocWriteResponse.Result An enum that represents the results of CRUD operations, primarily used to communicate the type of operation that occurred.ThreadingModel