Class ReplicationTask

  • public class ReplicationTask
    extends Task
    Task that tracks replication actions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ReplicationTask

        public ReplicationTask​(long id,
                               java.lang.String type,
                               java.lang.String action,
                               java.lang.String description,
                               TaskId parentTaskId,
                               java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> headers)
    • Method Detail

      • setPhase

        public void setPhase​(java.lang.String phase)
        Set the current phase of the task.
      • getPhase

        public java.lang.String getPhase()
        Get the current phase of the task.
      • getStatus

        public ReplicationTask.Status getStatus()
        Description copied from class: Task
        Build a status for this task or null if this task doesn't have status. Since most tasks don't have status this defaults to returning null. While this can never perform IO it might be a costly operation, requiring collating lists of results, etc. So only use it if you need the value.
        getStatus in class Task