Class RecoveryResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • RecoveryResponse

        public RecoveryResponse()
      • RecoveryResponse

        public RecoveryResponse​(int totalShards,
                                int successfulShards,
                                int failedShards,
                                java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.util.List<RecoveryState>> shardRecoveryStates,
                                java.util.List<DefaultShardOperationFailedException> shardFailures)
        Constructs recovery information for a collection of indices and associated shards. Keeps track of how many total shards were seen, and out of those how many were successfully processed and how many failed.
        totalShards - Total count of shards seen
        successfulShards - Count of shards successfully processed
        failedShards - Count of shards which failed to process
        shardRecoveryStates - Map of indices to shard recovery information
        shardFailures - List of failures processing shards