Class ParseField


public class ParseField extends Object
Holds a field that can be found in a request while parsing and its different variants, which may be deprecated.
  • Constructor Details

    • ParseField

      public ParseField(String name, String... deprecatedNames)
      Creates a field available for lookup for both current and previous REST API versions
      name - the primary name for this field. This will be returned by getPreferredName()
      deprecatedNames - names for this field which are deprecated and will not be accepted when strict matching is used.
  • Method Details

    • getPreferredName

      public String getPreferredName()
      the preferred name used for this field
    • getAllNamesIncludedDeprecated

      public String[] getAllNamesIncludedDeprecated()
      All names for this field regardless of whether they are deprecated
    • withDeprecation

      public ParseField withDeprecation(String... deprecatedNamesOverride)
      deprecatedNamesOverride - deprecated names to include with the returned ParseField
      a new ParseField using the preferred name from this one but with the specified deprecated names
    • forRestApiVersion

      public ParseField forRestApiVersion(Predicate<RestApiVersion> forRestApiVersionOverride)
      Creates a new field with current name and deprecatedNames, but overrides forRestApiVersion
      forRestApiVersionOverride - - a boolean function indicating for what version a deprecated name is available
    • getForRestApiVersion

      public Predicate<RestApiVersion> getForRestApiVersion()
      a function indicating for which RestApiVersion a deprecated name is declared for
    • withAllDeprecated

      public ParseField withAllDeprecated(String allReplacedWithOverride)
      Return a new ParseField where all field names are deprecated and replaced with allReplacedWith.
    • withAllDeprecated

      public ParseField withAllDeprecated()
      Return a new ParseField where all field names are deprecated with no replacement
    • match

      public boolean match(String fieldName, DeprecationHandler deprecationHandler)
      Does fieldName match this field?
      fieldName - the field name to match against this ParseField
      deprecationHandler - called if fieldName is deprecated
      true if fieldName matches any of the acceptable names for this ParseField.
    • match

      public boolean match(String parserName, Supplier<XContentLocation> location, String fieldName, DeprecationHandler deprecationHandler)
      Does fieldName match this field?
      parserName - the name of the parent object holding this field
      location - the XContentLocation of the field
      fieldName - the field name to match against this ParseField
      deprecationHandler - called if fieldName is deprecated
      true if fieldName matches any of the acceptable names for this ParseField.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • getAllReplacedWith

      public String getAllReplacedWith()
      the message to use if this ParseField has been entirely deprecated in favor of something else. This method will return null if the ParseField has not been completely deprecated.
    • getDeprecatedNames

      public String[] getDeprecatedNames()
      an array of the names for the ParseField which are deprecated.