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build() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SnifferBuilder
Creates the Sniffer based on the provided configuration.
builder(RestClient) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.Sniffer
Returns a new SnifferBuilder to help with Sniffer creation.


close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.Sniffer


DEFAULT_SNIFF_AFTER_FAILURE_DELAY - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SnifferBuilder
DEFAULT_SNIFF_INTERVAL - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SnifferBuilder
DEFAULT_SNIFF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer


ElasticsearchHostsSniffer - Class in org.elasticsearch.client.sniff
Class responsible for sniffing the http hosts from elasticsearch through the nodes info api and returning them back.
ElasticsearchHostsSniffer(RestClient) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer
Creates a new instance of the Elasticsearch sniffer.
ElasticsearchHostsSniffer(RestClient, long, ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer
Creates a new instance of the Elasticsearch sniffer.
ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme - Enum in org.elasticsearch.client.sniff


HostsSniffer - Interface in org.elasticsearch.client.sniff
Responsible for sniffing the http hosts
HTTP - org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme
HTTPS - org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme


onFailure(HttpHost) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SniffOnFailureListener
org.elasticsearch.client.sniff - package org.elasticsearch.client.sniff


setHostsSniffer(HostsSniffer) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SnifferBuilder
Sets the HostsSniffer to be used to read hosts.
setSniffAfterFailureDelayMillis(int) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SnifferBuilder
Sets the delay of a sniff execution scheduled after a failure (in milliseconds)
setSniffer(Sniffer) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SniffOnFailureListener
Sets the Sniffer instance used to perform sniffing
setSniffIntervalMillis(int) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SnifferBuilder
Sets the interval between consecutive ordinary sniff executions in milliseconds.
Sniffer - Class in org.elasticsearch.client.sniff
Class responsible for sniffing nodes from some source (default is elasticsearch itself) and setting them to a provided instance of RestClient.
SnifferBuilder - Class in org.elasticsearch.client.sniff
Sniffer builder.
sniffHosts() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer
Calls the elasticsearch nodes info api, parses the response and returns all the found http hosts
sniffHosts() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.HostsSniffer
Returns the sniffed http hosts
sniffOnFailure(HttpHost) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.Sniffer
Triggers a new sniffing round and explicitly takes out the failed host provided as argument
SniffOnFailureListener - Class in org.elasticsearch.client.sniff
RestClient.FailureListener implementation that allows to perform sniffing on failure.
SniffOnFailureListener() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.SniffOnFailureListener


toString() - Method in enum org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.elasticsearch.client.sniff.ElasticsearchHostsSniffer.Scheme
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
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