Class IndexPrivilegesCheck

All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsonpDeserializable public class IndexPrivilegesCheck extends Object implements JsonpSerializable
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • names

      public final List<String> names()
      Required - A list of indices.

      API name: names

    • privileges

      public final List<IndexPrivilege> privileges()
      Required - A list of the privileges that you want to check for the specified indices.

      API name: privileges

    • allowRestrictedIndices

      @Nullable public final Boolean allowRestrictedIndices()
      This needs to be set to true (default is false) if using wildcards or regexps for patterns that cover restricted indices. Implicitly, restricted indices do not match index patterns because restricted indices usually have limited privileges and including them in pattern tests would render most such tests false. If restricted indices are explicitly included in the names list, privileges will be checked against them regardless of the value of allow_restricted_indices.

      API name: allow_restricted_indices

    • serialize

      public void serialize( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • setupIndexPrivilegesCheckDeserializer

      protected static void setupIndexPrivilegesCheckDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<IndexPrivilegesCheck.Builder> op)