Class GetOverallBucketsRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GetOverallBucketsRequest
extends RequestBase
implements JsonpSerializable
Retrieves overall bucket results that summarize the bucket results of multiple anomaly detection jobs.

The overall_score is calculated by combining the scores of all the buckets within the overall bucket span. First, the maximum anomaly_score per anomaly detection job in the overall bucket is calculated. Then the top_n of those scores are averaged to result in the overall_score. This means that you can fine-tune the overall_score so that it is more or less sensitive to the number of jobs that detect an anomaly at the same time. For example, if you set top_n to 1, the overall_score is the maximum bucket score in the overall bucket. Alternatively, if you set top_n to the number of jobs, the overall_score is high only when all jobs detect anomalies in that overall bucket. If you set the bucket_span parameter (to a value greater than its default), the overall_score is the maximum overall_score of the overall buckets that have a span equal to the jobs' largest bucket span.

See Also:
API specification
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

      public static GetOverallBucketsRequest of​(java.util.function.Function<GetOverallBucketsRequest.Builder,​ObjectBuilder<GetOverallBucketsRequest>> fn)
    • allowNoMatch

      @Nullable public final java.lang.Boolean allowNoMatch()
      Refer to the description for the allow_no_match query parameter.

      API name: allow_no_match

    • bucketSpan

      @Nullable public final Time bucketSpan()
      Refer to the description for the bucket_span query parameter.

      API name: bucket_span

    • end

      @Nullable public final DateTime end()
      Refer to the description for the end query parameter.

      API name: end

    • excludeInterim

      @Nullable public final java.lang.Boolean excludeInterim()
      Refer to the description for the exclude_interim query parameter.

      API name: exclude_interim

    • jobId

      public final java.lang.String jobId()
      Required - Identifier for the anomaly detection job. It can be a job identifier, a group name, a comma-separated list of jobs or groups, or a wildcard expression.

      You can summarize the bucket results for all anomaly detection jobs by using _all or by specifying * as the <job_id>.

      API name: job_id

    • overallScore

      @Nullable public final java.lang.String overallScore()
      Refer to the description for the overall_score query parameter.

      API name: overall_score

    • start

      @Nullable public final DateTime start()
      Refer to the description for the start query parameter.

      API name: start

    • topN

      @Nullable public final java.lang.Integer topN()
      Refer to the description for the top_n query parameter.

      API name: top_n

    • serialize

      public void serialize​( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal​( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • setupGetOverallBucketsRequestDeserializer

      protected static void setupGetOverallBucketsRequestDeserializer​(ObjectDeserializer<GetOverallBucketsRequest.Builder> op)