Class UpdateJobRequest

All Implemented Interfaces:

@JsonpDeserializable public class UpdateJobRequest extends RequestBase implements JsonpSerializable
Updates certain properties of an anomaly detection job.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • allowLazyOpen

      @Nullable public final Boolean allowLazyOpen()
      Advanced configuration option. Specifies whether this job can open when there is insufficient machine learning node capacity for it to be immediately assigned to a node. If false and a machine learning node with capacity to run the job cannot immediately be found, the open anomaly detection jobs API returns an error. However, this is also subject to the cluster-wide setting. If this option is set to true, the open anomaly detection jobs API does not return an error and the job waits in the opening state until sufficient machine learning node capacity is available.

      API name: allow_lazy_open

    • analysisLimits

      @Nullable public final AnalysisMemoryLimit analysisLimits()
      API name: analysis_limits
    • backgroundPersistInterval

      @Nullable public final Time backgroundPersistInterval()
      Advanced configuration option. The time between each periodic persistence of the model. The default value is a randomized value between 3 to 4 hours, which avoids all jobs persisting at exactly the same time. The smallest allowed value is 1 hour. For very large models (several GB), persistence could take 10-20 minutes, so do not set the value too low. If the job is open when you make the update, you must stop the datafeed, close the job, then reopen the job and restart the datafeed for the changes to take effect.

      API name: background_persist_interval

    • categorizationFilters

      public final List<String> categorizationFilters()
      API name: categorization_filters
    • customSettings

      public final Map<String,JsonData> customSettings()
      Advanced configuration option. Contains custom meta data about the job. For example, it can contain custom URL information as shown in Adding custom URLs to machine learning results.

      API name: custom_settings

    • dailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays

      @Nullable public final Long dailyModelSnapshotRetentionAfterDays()
      Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old model snapshots for this job. It specifies a period of time (in days) after which only the first snapshot per day is retained. This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this job. Valid values range from 0 to model_snapshot_retention_days. For jobs created before version 7.8.0, the default value matches model_snapshot_retention_days.

      API name: daily_model_snapshot_retention_after_days

    • description

      @Nullable public final String description()
      A description of the job.

      API name: description

    • detectors

      public final List<Detector> detectors()
      An array of detector update objects.

      API name: detectors

    • groups

      public final List<String> groups()
      A list of job groups. A job can belong to no groups or many.

      API name: groups

    • jobId

      public final String jobId()
      Required - Identifier for the job.

      API name: job_id

    • modelPlotConfig

      @Nullable public final ModelPlotConfig modelPlotConfig()
      API name: model_plot_config
    • modelPruneWindow

      @Nullable public final Time modelPruneWindow()
      API name: model_prune_window
    • modelSnapshotRetentionDays

      @Nullable public final Long modelSnapshotRetentionDays()
      Advanced configuration option, which affects the automatic removal of old model snapshots for this job. It specifies the maximum period of time (in days) that snapshots are retained. This period is relative to the timestamp of the most recent snapshot for this job.

      API name: model_snapshot_retention_days

    • perPartitionCategorization

      @Nullable public final PerPartitionCategorization perPartitionCategorization()
      Settings related to how categorization interacts with partition fields.

      API name: per_partition_categorization

    • renormalizationWindowDays

      @Nullable public final Long renormalizationWindowDays()
      Advanced configuration option. The period over which adjustments to the score are applied, as new data is seen.

      API name: renormalization_window_days

    • resultsRetentionDays

      @Nullable public final Long resultsRetentionDays()
      Advanced configuration option. The period of time (in days) that results are retained. Age is calculated relative to the timestamp of the latest bucket result. If this property has a non-null value, once per day at 00:30 (server time), results that are the specified number of days older than the latest bucket result are deleted from Elasticsearch. The default value is null, which means all results are retained.

      API name: results_retention_days

    • serialize

      public void serialize( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
      Serialize this object to JSON.
      Specified by:
      serialize in interface JsonpSerializable
    • serializeInternal

      protected void serializeInternal( generator, JsonpMapper mapper)
    • setupUpdateJobRequestDeserializer

      protected static void setupUpdateJobRequestDeserializer(ObjectDeserializer<UpdateJobRequest.Builder> op)