Class ShardsRecord.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
WithJson<ShardsRecord.Builder>, ObjectBuilder<ShardsRecord>
Enclosing class:

public static class ShardsRecord.Builder extends WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<ShardsRecord.Builder> implements ObjectBuilder<ShardsRecord>
Builder for ShardsRecord.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • index

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder index(@Nullable String value)
      The index name.

      API name: index

    • shard

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder shard(@Nullable String value)
      The shard name.

      API name: shard

    • prirep

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder prirep(@Nullable String value)
      The shard type: primary or replica.

      API name: prirep

    • state

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder state(@Nullable String value)
      The shard state. Returned values include: INITIALIZING: The shard is recovering from a peer shard or gateway. RELOCATING: The shard is relocating. STARTED: The shard has started. UNASSIGNED: The shard is not assigned to any node.

      API name: state

    • docs

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder docs(@Nullable String value)
      The number of documents in the shard.

      API name: docs

    • store

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder store(@Nullable String value)
      The disk space used by the shard.

      API name: store

    • ip

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder ip(@Nullable String value)
      The IP address of the node.

      API name: ip

    • id

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder id(@Nullable String value)
      The unique identifier for the node.

      API name: id

    • node

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder node(@Nullable String value)
      The name of node.

      API name: node

    • syncId

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder syncId(@Nullable String value)
      The sync identifier.

      API name: sync_id

    • unassignedReason

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder unassignedReason(@Nullable String value)
      The reason for the last change to the state of an unassigned shard. It does not explain why the shard is currently unassigned; use the cluster allocation explain API for that information. Returned values include: ALLOCATION_FAILED: Unassigned as a result of a failed allocation of the shard. CLUSTER_RECOVERED: Unassigned as a result of a full cluster recovery. DANGLING_INDEX_IMPORTED: Unassigned as a result of importing a dangling index. EXISTING_INDEX_RESTORED: Unassigned as a result of restoring into a closed index. FORCED_EMPTY_PRIMARY: The shard’s allocation was last modified by forcing an empty primary using the cluster reroute API. INDEX_CLOSED: Unassigned because the index was closed. INDEX_CREATED: Unassigned as a result of an API creation of an index. INDEX_REOPENED: Unassigned as a result of opening a closed index. MANUAL_ALLOCATION: The shard’s allocation was last modified by the cluster reroute API. NEW_INDEX_RESTORED: Unassigned as a result of restoring into a new index. NODE_LEFT: Unassigned as a result of the node hosting it leaving the cluster. NODE_RESTARTING: Similar to NODE_LEFT, except that the node was registered as restarting using the node shutdown API. PRIMARY_FAILED: The shard was initializing as a replica, but the primary shard failed before the initialization completed. REALLOCATED_REPLICA: A better replica location is identified and causes the existing replica allocation to be cancelled. REINITIALIZED: When a shard moves from started back to initializing. REPLICA_ADDED: Unassigned as a result of explicit addition of a replica. REROUTE_CANCELLED: Unassigned as a result of explicit cancel reroute command.

      API name: unassigned.reason

    • unassignedAt

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder unassignedAt(@Nullable String value)
      The time at which the shard became unassigned in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

      API name:

    • unassignedFor

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder unassignedFor(@Nullable String value)
      The time at which the shard was requested to be unassigned in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

      API name: unassigned.for

    • unassignedDetails

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder unassignedDetails(@Nullable String value)
      Additional details as to why the shard became unassigned. It does not explain why the shard is not assigned; use the cluster allocation explain API for that information.

      API name: unassigned.details

    • recoverysourceType

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder recoverysourceType(@Nullable String value)
      The type of recovery source.

      API name: recoverysource.type

    • completionSize

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder completionSize(@Nullable String value)
      The size of completion.

      API name: completion.size

    • fielddataMemorySize

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder fielddataMemorySize(@Nullable String value)
      The used fielddata cache memory.

      API name: fielddata.memory_size

    • fielddataEvictions

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder fielddataEvictions(@Nullable String value)
      The fielddata cache evictions.

      API name: fielddata.evictions

    • queryCacheMemorySize

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder queryCacheMemorySize(@Nullable String value)
      The used query cache memory.

      API name: query_cache.memory_size

    • queryCacheEvictions

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder queryCacheEvictions(@Nullable String value)
      The query cache evictions.

      API name: query_cache.evictions

    • flushTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder flushTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of flushes.

      API name:

    • flushTotalTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder flushTotalTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in flush.

      API name: flush.total_time

    • getCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The number of current get operations.

      API name: get.current

    • getTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in get operations.

      API name: get.time

    • getTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of get operations.

      API name:

    • getExistsTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getExistsTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in successful get operations.

      API name: get.exists_time

    • getExistsTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getExistsTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of successful get operations.

      API name: get.exists_total

    • getMissingTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getMissingTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in failed get operations.

      API name: get.missing_time

    • getMissingTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder getMissingTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of failed get operations.

      API name: get.missing_total

    • indexingDeleteCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingDeleteCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The number of current deletion operations.

      API name: indexing.delete_current

    • indexingDeleteTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingDeleteTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in deletion operations.

      API name: indexing.delete_time

    • indexingDeleteTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingDeleteTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of delete operations.

      API name: indexing.delete_total

    • indexingIndexCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingIndexCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The number of current indexing operations.

      API name: indexing.index_current

    • indexingIndexTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingIndexTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in indexing operations.

      API name: indexing.index_time

    • indexingIndexTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingIndexTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of indexing operations.

      API name: indexing.index_total

    • indexingIndexFailed

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder indexingIndexFailed(@Nullable String value)
      The number of failed indexing operations.

      API name: indexing.index_failed

    • mergesCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The number of current merge operations.

      API name: merges.current

    • mergesCurrentDocs

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesCurrentDocs(@Nullable String value)
      The number of current merging documents.

      API name: merges.current_docs

    • mergesCurrentSize

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesCurrentSize(@Nullable String value)
      The size of current merge operations.

      API name: merges.current_size

    • mergesTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of completed merge operations.

      API name:

    • mergesTotalDocs

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesTotalDocs(@Nullable String value)
      The nuber of merged documents.

      API name: merges.total_docs

    • mergesTotalSize

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesTotalSize(@Nullable String value)
      The size of current merges.

      API name: merges.total_size

    • mergesTotalTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder mergesTotalTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent merging documents.

      API name: merges.total_time

    • refreshTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder refreshTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The total number of refreshes.

      API name:

    • refreshTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder refreshTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in refreshes.

      API name: refresh.time

    • refreshExternalTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder refreshExternalTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The total nunber of external refreshes.

      API name: refresh.external_total

    • refreshExternalTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder refreshExternalTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in external refreshes.

      API name: refresh.external_time

    • refreshListeners

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder refreshListeners(@Nullable String value)
      The number of pending refresh listeners.

      API name: refresh.listeners

    • searchFetchCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchFetchCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The current fetch phase operations.

      API name: search.fetch_current

    • searchFetchTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchFetchTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in fetch phase.

      API name: search.fetch_time

    • searchFetchTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchFetchTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The total number of fetch operations.

      API name: search.fetch_total

    • searchOpenContexts

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchOpenContexts(@Nullable String value)
      The number of open search contexts.

      API name: search.open_contexts

    • searchQueryCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchQueryCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The current query phase operations.

      API name: search.query_current

    • searchQueryTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchQueryTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in query phase.

      API name: search.query_time

    • searchQueryTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchQueryTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The total number of query phase operations.

      API name: search.query_total

    • searchScrollCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchScrollCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The open scroll contexts.

      API name: search.scroll_current

    • searchScrollTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchScrollTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time scroll contexts were held open.

      API name: search.scroll_time

    • searchScrollTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder searchScrollTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The number of completed scroll contexts.

      API name: search.scroll_total

    • segmentsCount

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder segmentsCount(@Nullable String value)
      The number of segments.

      API name: segments.count

    • segmentsMemory

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder segmentsMemory(@Nullable String value)
      The memory used by segments.

      API name: segments.memory

    • segmentsIndexWriterMemory

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder segmentsIndexWriterMemory(@Nullable String value)
      The memory used by the index writer.

      API name: segments.index_writer_memory

    • segmentsVersionMapMemory

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder segmentsVersionMapMemory(@Nullable String value)
      The memory used by the version map.

      API name: segments.version_map_memory

    • segmentsFixedBitsetMemory

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder segmentsFixedBitsetMemory(@Nullable String value)
      The memory used by fixed bit sets for nested object field types and export type filters for types referred in _parent fields.

      API name: segments.fixed_bitset_memory

    • seqNoMax

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder seqNoMax(@Nullable String value)
      The maximum sequence number.

      API name: seq_no.max

    • seqNoLocalCheckpoint

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder seqNoLocalCheckpoint(@Nullable String value)
      The local checkpoint.

      API name: seq_no.local_checkpoint

    • seqNoGlobalCheckpoint

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder seqNoGlobalCheckpoint(@Nullable String value)
      The global checkpoint.

      API name: seq_no.global_checkpoint

    • warmerCurrent

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder warmerCurrent(@Nullable String value)
      The number of current warmer operations.

      API name: warmer.current

    • warmerTotal

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder warmerTotal(@Nullable String value)
      The total number of warmer operations.

      API name:

    • warmerTotalTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder warmerTotalTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in warmer operations.

      API name: warmer.total_time

    • pathData

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder pathData(@Nullable String value)
      The shard data path.

      API name:

    • pathState

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder pathState(@Nullable String value)
      The shard state path.

      API name: path.state

    • bulkTotalOperations

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder bulkTotalOperations(@Nullable String value)
      The number of bulk shard operations.

      API name: bulk.total_operations

    • bulkTotalTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder bulkTotalTime(@Nullable String value)
      The time spent in shard bulk operations.

      API name: bulk.total_time

    • bulkTotalSizeInBytes

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder bulkTotalSizeInBytes(@Nullable String value)
      The total size in bytes of shard bulk operations.

      API name: bulk.total_size_in_bytes

    • bulkAvgTime

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder bulkAvgTime(@Nullable String value)
      The average time spent in shard bulk operations.

      API name: bulk.avg_time

    • bulkAvgSizeInBytes

      public final ShardsRecord.Builder bulkAvgSizeInBytes(@Nullable String value)
      The average size in bytes of shard bulk operations.

      API name: bulk.avg_size_in_bytes

    • self

      protected ShardsRecord.Builder self()
      Specified by:
      self in class WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<ShardsRecord.Builder>
    • build

      public ShardsRecord build()
      Builds a ShardsRecord.
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<ShardsRecord>
      NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.