Class SegmentsStats.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
WithJson<SegmentsStats.Builder>, ObjectBuilder<SegmentsStats>
Enclosing class:

public static class SegmentsStats.Builder extends WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<SegmentsStats.Builder> implements ObjectBuilder<SegmentsStats>
Builder for SegmentsStats.
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • count

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder count(int value)
      Required - Total number of segments across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: count

    • docValuesMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder docValuesMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used for doc values across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: doc_values_memory

    • docValuesMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder docValuesMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for doc values across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: doc_values_memory_in_bytes

    • fileSizes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder fileSizes(Map<String,ShardFileSizeInfo> map)
      Required - This object is not populated by the cluster stats API. To get information on segment files, use the node stats API.

      API name: file_sizes

      Adds all entries of map to fileSizes.

    • fileSizes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder fileSizes(String key, ShardFileSizeInfo value)
      Required - This object is not populated by the cluster stats API. To get information on segment files, use the node stats API.

      API name: file_sizes

      Adds an entry to fileSizes.

    • fileSizes

      Required - This object is not populated by the cluster stats API. To get information on segment files, use the node stats API.

      API name: file_sizes

      Adds an entry to fileSizes using a builder lambda.

    • fixedBitSet

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder fixedBitSet(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used by fixed bit sets across all shards assigned to selected nodes. Fixed bit sets are used for nested object field types and type filters for join fields.

      API name: fixed_bit_set

    • fixedBitSetMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder fixedBitSetMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount of memory, in bytes, used by fixed bit sets across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes

    • indexWriterMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder indexWriterMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used by all index writers across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: index_writer_memory

    • indexWriterMaxMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder indexWriterMaxMemoryInBytes(@Nullable Long value)
      API name: index_writer_max_memory_in_bytes
    • indexWriterMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder indexWriterMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used by all index writers across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: index_writer_memory_in_bytes

    • maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder maxUnsafeAutoIdTimestamp(long value)
      Required - Unix timestamp, in milliseconds, of the most recently retried indexing request.

      API name: max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp

    • memory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder memory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used for segments across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: memory

    • memoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder memoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for segments across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: memory_in_bytes

    • normsMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder normsMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used for normalization factors across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: norms_memory

    • normsMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder normsMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for normalization factors across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: norms_memory_in_bytes

    • pointsMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder pointsMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used for points across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: points_memory

    • pointsMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder pointsMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for points across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: points_memory_in_bytes

    • storedMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder storedMemory(@Nullable String value)
      API name: stored_memory
    • storedFieldsMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder storedFieldsMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for stored fields across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: stored_fields_memory_in_bytes

    • termsMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder termsMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for terms across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: terms_memory_in_bytes

    • termsMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder termsMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used for terms across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: terms_memory

    • termVectoryMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder termVectoryMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used for term vectors across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: term_vectory_memory

    • termVectorsMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder termVectorsMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used for term vectors across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: term_vectors_memory_in_bytes

    • versionMapMemory

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder versionMapMemory(@Nullable String value)
      Total amount of memory used by all version maps across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: version_map_memory

    • versionMapMemoryInBytes

      public final SegmentsStats.Builder versionMapMemoryInBytes(long value)
      Required - Total amount, in bytes, of memory used by all version maps across all shards assigned to selected nodes.

      API name: version_map_memory_in_bytes

    • self

      protected SegmentsStats.Builder self()
      Specified by:
      self in class WithJsonObjectBuilderBase<SegmentsStats.Builder>
    • build

      public SegmentsStats build()
      Builds a SegmentsStats.
      Specified by:
      build in interface ObjectBuilder<SegmentsStats>
      NullPointerException - if some of the required fields are null.