Class StartTrainedModelDeploymentRequest


public class StartTrainedModelDeploymentRequest
extends RequestBase
Starts a trained model deployment, which allocates the model to every machine learning node.
See Also:
API specification
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • of

    • inferenceThreads

      @Nullable public final java.lang.Integer inferenceThreads()
      Specifies the number of threads that are used by the inference process. If you increase this value, inference speed generally increases. However, the actual number of threads is limited by the number of available CPU cores.

      API name: inference_threads

    • modelId

      public final java.lang.String modelId()
      Required - The unique identifier of the trained model. Currently, only PyTorch models are supported.

      API name: model_id

    • modelThreads

      @Nullable public final java.lang.Integer modelThreads()
      Specifies the number of threads that are used when sending inference requests to the model. If you increase this value, throughput generally increases.

      API name: model_threads

    • queueCapacity

      @Nullable public final java.lang.Integer queueCapacity()
      Specifies the number of inference requests that are allowed in the queue. After the number of requests exceeds this value, new requests are rejected with a 429 error.

      API name: queue_capacity

    • timeout

      @Nullable public final Time timeout()
      Specifies the amount of time to wait for the model to deploy.

      API name: timeout

    • waitFor

      @Nullable public final DeploymentState waitFor()
      Specifies the allocation status to wait for before returning.

      API name: wait_for