Class InternalClusterInfoService

All Implemented Interfaces:
ClusterInfoService, ClusterStateListener

public class InternalClusterInfoService extends Object implements ClusterInfoService, ClusterStateListener
InternalClusterInfoService provides the ClusterInfoService interface, routinely updated on a timer. The timer can be dynamically changed by setting the setting (defaulting to 30 seconds). The InternalClusterInfoService only runs on the master node. Listens for changes in the number of data nodes and immediately submits a ClusterInfoUpdateJob if a node has been added. Every time the timer runs, if cluster.routing.allocation.disk.threshold_enabled is enabled, gathers information about the disk usage and shard sizes across the cluster, computes a new cluster info and notifies the registered listeners. If disk threshold monitoring is disabled, listeners are called with an empty cluster info.
  • Field Details


      public static final Setting<TimeValue> INTERNAL_CLUSTER_INFO_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SETTING

      public static final Setting<TimeValue> INTERNAL_CLUSTER_INFO_TIMEOUT_SETTING
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details