Interface HealthIndicatorService

All Known Implementing Classes:
InstanceHasMasterHealthIndicatorService, RepositoryIntegrityHealthIndicatorService, ShardsAvailabilityHealthIndicatorService

public interface HealthIndicatorService
This is a service interface used to calculate health indicator from the different modules or plugins.
  • Method Details

    • name

      String name()
    • component

      String component()
    • calculate

    • createIndicator

      default HealthIndicatorResult createIndicator(HealthStatus status, String summary, HealthIndicatorDetails details, Collection<HealthIndicatorImpact> impacts)
      This method creates a HealthIndicatorResult with the given information. Note that it sorts the impacts by severity (the lower the number the higher the severity), and only keeps the 3 highest-severity impacts.
      status - The status of the result
      summary - The summary used in the result
      details - The details used in the result
      impacts - A collection of impacts. Only the 3 highest severity impacts are used in the result
      A HealthIndicatorResult built from the given information