Interface BlockLoader.BlockFactory

Enclosing interface:

public static interface BlockLoader.BlockFactory
Builds block "builders" for loading data into blocks for the compute engine. It's important for performance that this only have one implementation in production code. That implementation sits in the "compute" project. The is also a test implementation, but there may be no more other implementations.
  • Method Details

    • booleansFromDocValues

      BlockLoader.BooleanBuilder booleansFromDocValues(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load booleans as loaded from doc values. Doc values load booleans deduplicated and in sorted order.
    • booleans

      BlockLoader.BooleanBuilder booleans(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load booleans without any loading constraints.
    • bytesRefsFromDocValues

      BlockLoader.BytesRefBuilder bytesRefsFromDocValues(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load BytesRefs as loaded from doc values. Doc values load BytesRefs deduplicated and in sorted order.
    • bytesRefs

      BlockLoader.BytesRefBuilder bytesRefs(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load BytesRefs without any loading constraints.
    • doublesFromDocValues

      BlockLoader.DoubleBuilder doublesFromDocValues(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load doubles as loaded from doc values. Doc values load doubles deduplicated and in sorted order.
    • doubles

      BlockLoader.DoubleBuilder doubles(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load doubles without any loading constraints.
    • intsFromDocValues

      BlockLoader.IntBuilder intsFromDocValues(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load ints as loaded from doc values. Doc values load ints deduplicated and in sorted order.
    • ints

      BlockLoader.IntBuilder ints(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load ints without any loading constraints.
    • longsFromDocValues

      BlockLoader.LongBuilder longsFromDocValues(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load longs as loaded from doc values. Doc values load longs deduplicated and in sorted order.
    • longs

      BlockLoader.LongBuilder longs(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load longs without any loading constraints.
    • nulls

      BlockLoader.Builder nulls(int expectedCount)
      Build a builder to load only nulls.
    • constantNulls

      BlockLoader.Block constantNulls()
      Build a block that contains only null.
    • constantBytes

      BlockLoader.Block constantBytes(org.apache.lucene.util.BytesRef value)
      Build a block that contains value repeated size times.
    • singletonOrdinalsBuilder

      BlockLoader.SingletonOrdinalsBuilder singletonOrdinalsBuilder(org.apache.lucene.index.SortedDocValues ordinals, int count)
      Build a reader for reading keyword ordinals.