Interface BlobStore

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface BlobStore extends Closeable
An interface for storing blobs.
  • Method Details

    • blobContainer

      BlobContainer blobContainer(BlobPath path)
      Get a blob container instance for storing blobs at the given BlobPath.
    • deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists

      void deleteBlobsIgnoringIfNotExists(OperationPurpose purpose, Iterator<String> blobNames) throws IOException
      Delete all the provided blobs from the blob store. Each blob could belong to a different BlobContainer
      purpose - the purpose of the delete operation
      blobNames - the blobs to be deleted
    • stats

      default Map<String,Long> stats()
      Returns statistics on the count of operations that have been performed on this blob store