Interface DateMathParser

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DateMathParser
An abstraction over date math parsing. Note: This can now be collapsed together with JavaDateMathParser since Joda is removed.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default Instant
    Parse a date math expression without timezone info and rounding down.
    parse(String text, LongSupplier now, boolean roundUpProperty, ZoneId tz)
    Parse text, that potentially contains date math into the milliseconds since the epoch Examples are 2014-11-18||-2y subtracts two years from the input date now/m rounds the current time to minute granularity Supported rounding units are y year M month w week (beginning on a monday) d day h/H hour m minute s second
  • Method Details

    • parse

      default Instant parse(String text, LongSupplier now)
      Parse a date math expression without timezone info and rounding down.
    • parse

      Instant parse(String text, LongSupplier now, boolean roundUpProperty, ZoneId tz)
      Parse text, that potentially contains date math into the milliseconds since the epoch Examples are 2014-11-18||-2y subtracts two years from the input date now/m rounds the current time to minute granularity Supported rounding units are y year M month w week (beginning on a monday) d day h/H hour m minute s second
      text - the input
      now - a supplier to retrieve the current date in milliseconds, if needed for additions
      roundUpProperty - should the result be rounded up with the granularity of the rounding (e.g. now/M)
      tz - an optional timezone that should be applied before returning the milliseconds since the epoch
      the parsed date as an Instant since the epoch