Interface ClusterStateTaskListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AckedClusterStateUpdateTask, ClusterStateUpdateTask, JoinTaskExecutor.Task, LocalMasterServiceTask, MigrationResultsUpdateTask, NodeRemovalClusterStateTaskExecutor.Task, ShardStateAction.FailedShardUpdateTask, ShardStateAction.StartedShardUpdateTask, SystemIndexMetadataUpgradeService.SystemIndexMetadataUpdateTask

public interface ClusterStateTaskListener
  • Method Details

    • onFailure

      void onFailure(Exception e)
      A callback for when task execution fails. Implementations of this callback must not throw exceptions: an exception thrown here is logged by the master service at ERROR level and otherwise ignored, except in tests where it raises an AssertionError. If log-and-ignore is the right behaviour then implementations must do so themselves, typically using a more specific logger and at a less dramatic log level.
    • onNoLongerMaster

      default void onNoLongerMaster()
      A callback for when the task was rejected because the processing node is no longer the elected master. Implementations of this callback must not throw exceptions: an exception thrown here is logged by the master service at ERROR level and otherwise ignored, except in tests where it raises an AssertionError. If log-and-ignore is the right behaviour then implementations must do so themselves, typically using a more specific logger and at a less dramatic log level.
    • clusterStateProcessed

      default void clusterStateProcessed(ClusterState oldState, ClusterState newState)
      Called when the result of the ClusterStateTaskExecutor.execute(ClusterState, List) have been processed properly by all listeners. Implementations of this callback must not throw exceptions: an exception thrown here is logged by the master service at ERROR level and otherwise ignored, except in tests where it raises an AssertionError. If log-and-ignore is the right behaviour then implementations must do so themselves, typically using a more specific logger and at a less dramatic log level.