Class SystemIndices


public class SystemIndices extends Object
This class holds the SystemIndexDescriptor objects that represent system indices the node knows about. Methods for determining if an index should be a system index are also provided to reduce the locations within the code that need to deal with SystemIndexDescriptors.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • SystemIndices

      public SystemIndices(List<SystemIndices.Feature> pluginAndModuleFeatures)
      Initialize the SystemIndices object
      pluginAndModuleFeatures - A list of features from which we will load system indices. These features come from plugins and modules. Non-plugin system features such as Tasks will be added automatically.
  • Method Details

    • isSystemName

      public boolean isSystemName(String name)
      Checks whether the given name matches a reserved name or pattern that is intended for use by a system component. The name is checked against index names, aliases, data stream names, and the names of indices that back a system data stream.
    • isSystemIndex

      public boolean isSystemIndex(Index index)
      Determines whether a given index is a system index by comparing its name to the collection of loaded SystemIndexDescriptors
      index - the Index object to check against loaded SystemIndexDescriptors
      true if the Index's name matches a pattern from a SystemIndexDescriptor
    • isSystemIndex

      public boolean isSystemIndex(String indexName)
      Determines whether a given index is a system index by comparing its name to the collection of loaded SystemIndexDescriptors. This will also match alias names that belong to system indices.
      indexName - the index name to check against loaded SystemIndexDescriptors
      true if the index name matches a pattern from a SystemIndexDescriptor
    • isSystemDataStream

      public boolean isSystemDataStream(String name)
      Determines whether the provided name matches that of a system data stream that has been defined by a SystemDataStreamDescriptor
    • isSystemIndexBackingDataStream

      public boolean isSystemIndexBackingDataStream(String name)
      Determines whether the provided name matches that of an index that backs a system data stream.
    • isNetNewSystemIndex

      public boolean isNetNewSystemIndex(String indexName)
      Checks whether an index is a net-new system index, meaning we can apply non-BWC behavior to it.
      indexName - The index name to check.
      true if the given index is covered by a net-new system index descriptor, false otherwise.
    • getExecutorSelector

      public ExecutorSelector getExecutorSelector()
      Used to determine which executor should be used for operations on this index. See ExecutorSelector docs for details.
    • findMatchingDescriptor

      @Nullable public SystemIndexDescriptor findMatchingDescriptor(String name)
      Finds a single matching SystemIndexDescriptor, if any, for the given index name.
      name - the name of the index
      The matching SystemIndexDescriptor or null if no descriptor is found
      IllegalStateException - if multiple descriptors match the name
    • findMatchingDataStreamDescriptor

      @Nullable public SystemDataStreamDescriptor findMatchingDataStreamDescriptor(String name)
      Finds a single matching SystemDataStreamDescriptor, if any, for the given DataStream name.
      name - the name of the DataStream
      The matching SystemDataStreamDescriptor or null if no descriptor is found
      IllegalStateException - if multiple descriptors match the name
    • getProductSystemIndexMetadataPredicate

      public Predicate<IndexMetadata> getProductSystemIndexMetadataPredicate(ThreadContext threadContext)
      Builds a predicate that tests if a system index should be accessible based on the provided product name contained in headers.
      threadContext - the threadContext containing headers used for system index access
      Predicate to check external system index metadata with
    • getProductSystemIndexNamePredicate

      public Predicate<String> getProductSystemIndexNamePredicate(ThreadContext threadContext)
      Builds a predicate that tests if a system index name should be accessible based on the provided product name contained in headers.
      threadContext - the threadContext containing headers used for system index access
      Predicate to check external system index names with
    • getFeatureNames

      public Set<String> getFeatureNames()
      Get a set of feature names. This is useful for checking whether particular features are present on the node.
      A set of all feature names
    • getFeature

      public SystemIndices.Feature getFeature(String name)
      Get a feature by name.
      name - Name of a feature.
      The corresponding feature if it exists on this node, null otherwise.
    • getFeatures

      public Collection<SystemIndices.Feature> getFeatures()
      Get a collection of the Features this SystemIndices object is managing.
      A collection of Features.
    • validateDataStreamAccess

      public SystemDataStreamDescriptor validateDataStreamAccess(String dataStreamName, ThreadContext threadContext)
    • dataStreamAccessException

      public IllegalArgumentException dataStreamAccessException(ThreadContext threadContext, Collection<String> names)
    • netNewSystemIndexAccessException

      public IllegalArgumentException netNewSystemIndexAccessException(ThreadContext threadContext, Collection<String> names)
    • getSystemIndexAccessLevel

      public SystemIndices.SystemIndexAccessLevel getSystemIndexAccessLevel(ThreadContext threadContext)
      Determines what level of system index access should be allowed in the current context.
      SystemIndices.SystemIndexAccessLevel.ALL if unrestricted system index access should be allowed, SystemIndices.SystemIndexAccessLevel.RESTRICTED if a subset of system index access should be allowed, or SystemIndices.SystemIndexAccessLevel.NONE if no system index access should be allowed.
    • validateFeatureName

      public static void validateFeatureName(String name, String plugin)
      Check that a feature name is not reserved
      name - Name of feature
      plugin - Name of plugin providing the feature