Package org.elasticsearch.gateway
package org.elasticsearch.gateway
ClassDescriptionAsyncShardFetch<T extends BaseNodeResponse>Allows to asynchronously fetch shard related data from other nodes for allocation, without blocking the cluster update thread.AsyncShardFetch.FetchResult<T extends BaseNodeResponse>The result of a fetch operation.AsyncShardFetch.Lister<NodesResponse extends BaseNodesResponse<NodeResponse>,
NodeResponse extends BaseNodeResponse> An action that lists the relevant shard data that needs to be fetched.An abstract class that implements basic functionality for allocating shards to nodes based on shard copies that already exist in the cluster.This exception is thrown when Elasticsearch detects an inconsistency in one of it's persistent states.The dangling indices state is responsible for finding new dangling indices (indices that have their state written on disk, but don't exists in the metadata of the cluster), and importing them into the cluster.Loads (and maybe upgrades) cluster metadata at startup, and persistently stores cluster metadata for future restarts.Tracks the metadata written to disk, allowing updated metadata to be written incrementally (i.e.MetadataStateFormat is a base class to write checksummed XContent based files to one or more directories in a standardized directory structure.Stores cluster metadata in a bare Lucene index (per data path) split across a number of documents.The primary shard allocator allocates unassigned primary shards to nodes that hold valid copies of the unassigned primaries.A comparator that comparesShardRouting
instances based on various properties.This transport action is used to fetch the shard version from each node during primary allocation inGatewayAllocator
.This exception is thrown when there is a problem of writing state to disk.