Interface ActionPlugin

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ActionPlugin
An additional extension point for Plugins that extends Elasticsearch's scripting functionality. Implement it like this:

   {@literal @}Override
   public List<ActionHandler<?, ?>> getActions() {
       return Arrays.asList(new ActionHandler<>(ReindexAction.INSTANCE, TransportReindexAction.class),
               new ActionHandler<>(UpdateByQueryAction.INSTANCE, TransportUpdateByQueryAction.class),
               new ActionHandler<>(DeleteByQueryAction.INSTANCE, TransportDeleteByQueryAction.class),
               new ActionHandler<>(RethrottleAction.INSTANCE, TransportRethrottleAction.class));
  • Method Details

    • getActions

      default java.util.List<ActionPlugin.ActionHandler<? extends ActionRequest,​? extends ActionResponse>> getActions()
      Actions added by this plugin.
    • getClientActions

      default java.util.List<ActionType<? extends ActionResponse>> getClientActions()
      Client actions added by this plugin. This defaults to all of the ActionType in getActions().
    • getActionFilters

      default java.util.List<ActionFilter> getActionFilters()
      ActionType filters added by this plugin.
    • getRestHandlers

      default java.util.List<RestHandler> getRestHandlers​(Settings settings, RestController restController, ClusterSettings clusterSettings, IndexScopedSettings indexScopedSettings, SettingsFilter settingsFilter, IndexNameExpressionResolver indexNameExpressionResolver, java.util.function.Supplier<DiscoveryNodes> nodesInCluster)
      Rest handlers added by this plugin.
    • getRestHeaders

      default java.util.Collection<RestHeaderDefinition> getRestHeaders()
      Returns headers which should be copied through rest requests on to internal requests.
    • getTaskHeaders

      default java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> getTaskHeaders()
      Returns headers which should be copied from internal requests into tasks.
    • getRestHandlerWrapper

      default java.util.function.UnaryOperator<RestHandler> getRestHandlerWrapper​(ThreadContext threadContext)
      Returns a function used to wrap each rest request before handling the request. The returned UnaryOperator is called for every incoming rest request and receives the original rest handler as it's input. This allows adding arbitrary functionality around rest request handlers to do for instance logging or authentication. A simple example of how to only allow GET request is here:
          UnaryOperator<RestHandler> getRestHandlerWrapper(ThreadContext threadContext) {
            return originalHandler -> (RestHandler) (request, channel, client) -> {
              if (request.method() != Method.GET) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("only GET requests are allowed");
              originalHandler.handleRequest(request, channel, client);
      Note: Only one installed plugin may implement a rest wrapper.
    • mappingRequestValidators

      default java.util.Collection<RequestValidators.RequestValidator<PutMappingRequest>> mappingRequestValidators()
      Returns a collection of validators that are used by RequestValidators to validate a PutMappingRequest before the executing it.
    • indicesAliasesRequestValidators

      default java.util.Collection<RequestValidators.RequestValidator<IndicesAliasesRequest>> indicesAliasesRequestValidators()