Class DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType

Enclosing class:

public static final class DateFieldMapper.DateFieldType
extends MappedFieldType
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DateFieldType

      public DateFieldType​(java.lang.String name, boolean isSearchable, boolean isStored, boolean hasDocValues, DateFormatter dateTimeFormatter, DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution, java.lang.String nullValue, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> meta)
    • DateFieldType

      public DateFieldType​(java.lang.String name)
    • DateFieldType

      public DateFieldType​(java.lang.String name, DateFormatter dateFormatter)
    • DateFieldType

      public DateFieldType​(java.lang.String name, DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution)
    • DateFieldType

      public DateFieldType​(java.lang.String name, DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution, DateFormatter dateFormatter)
  • Method Details

    • typeName

      public java.lang.String typeName()
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Returns the name of this type, as would be specified in mapping properties
      Specified by:
      typeName in class MappedFieldType
    • dateTimeFormatter

      public DateFormatter dateTimeFormatter()
    • resolution

      public DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution()
    • dateMathParser

      protected DateMathParser dateMathParser()
    • parse

      public long parse​(java.lang.String value)
    • valueFetcher

      public ValueFetcher valueFetcher​(SearchExecutionContext context, java.lang.String format)
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Create a helper class to fetch field values during the FetchFieldsPhase.

      New field types must implement this method in order to support the search 'fields' option. Except for metadata fields, field types should not throw UnsupportedOperationException since this could cause a search retrieving multiple fields (like "fields": ["*"]) to fail.

      Specified by:
      valueFetcher in class MappedFieldType
    • termQuery

      public termQuery​(java.lang.Object value, @Nullable SearchExecutionContext context)
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Generates a query that will only match documents that contain the given value. The default implementation returns a TermQuery over the value bytes, boosted by MappedFieldType.boost().
      Specified by:
      termQuery in class MappedFieldType
    • rangeQuery

      public rangeQuery​(java.lang.Object lowerTerm, java.lang.Object upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, ShapeRelation relation, @Nullable java.time.ZoneId timeZone, @Nullable DateMathParser forcedDateParser, SearchExecutionContext context)
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Factory method for range queries.
      rangeQuery in class MappedFieldType
      relation - the relation, nulls should be interpreted like INTERSECTS
    • dateRangeQuery

      public static dateRangeQuery​(java.lang.Object lowerTerm, java.lang.Object upperTerm, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, @Nullable java.time.ZoneId timeZone, DateMathParser parser, SearchExecutionContext context, DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution, java.util.function.BiFunction<java.lang.Long,​java.lang.Long,​> builder)
    • handleNow

      public static handleNow​(SearchExecutionContext context, java.util.function.Function<java.util.function.LongSupplier,​> builder)
      Handle now in queries.
      context - context from which to read the current time
      builder - build the query
      the result of the builder, wrapped in DateRangeIncludingNowQuery if now was used.
    • parseToLong

      public long parseToLong​(java.lang.Object value, boolean roundUp, @Nullable java.time.ZoneId zone, DateMathParser dateParser, java.util.function.LongSupplier now)
    • parseToLong

      public static long parseToLong​(java.lang.Object value, boolean roundUp, @Nullable java.time.ZoneId zone, DateMathParser dateParser, java.util.function.LongSupplier now, DateFieldMapper.Resolution resolution)
    • distanceFeatureQuery

      public distanceFeatureQuery​(java.lang.Object origin, java.lang.String pivot, SearchExecutionContext context)
      distanceFeatureQuery in class MappedFieldType
    • isFieldWithinQuery

      public MappedFieldType.Relation isFieldWithinQuery​(org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader reader, java.lang.Object from, java.lang.Object to, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, java.time.ZoneId timeZone, DateMathParser dateParser, QueryRewriteContext context) throws
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Return whether all values of the given IndexReader are within the range, outside the range or cross the range. The default implementation returns MappedFieldType.Relation.INTERSECTS, which is always fine to return when there is no way to check whether values are actually within bounds.
      isFieldWithinQuery in class MappedFieldType
    • isFieldWithinQuery

      public MappedFieldType.Relation isFieldWithinQuery​(long minValue, long maxValue, java.lang.Object from, java.lang.Object to, boolean includeLower, boolean includeUpper, java.time.ZoneId timeZone, DateMathParser dateParser, QueryRewriteContext context) throws
    • pointReaderIfPossible

      public java.util.function.Function<byte[],​java.lang.Number> pointReaderIfPossible()
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      If the field supports using the indexed data to speed up operations related to ordering of data, such as sorting or aggs, return a function for doing that. If it is unsupported for this field type, there is no need to override this method.
      pointReaderIfPossible in class MappedFieldType
      null if the optimization cannot be applied, otherwise a function to use for the optimization
    • fielddataBuilder

      public IndexFieldData.Builder fielddataBuilder​(java.lang.String fullyQualifiedIndexName, java.util.function.Supplier<SearchLookup> searchLookup)
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Return a fielddata builder for this field
      fielddataBuilder in class MappedFieldType
      fullyQualifiedIndexName - the name of the index this field-data is build for
      searchLookup - a SearchLookup supplier to allow for accessing other fields values in the context of runtime fields
    • valueForDisplay

      public java.lang.Object valueForDisplay​(java.lang.Object value)
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Given a value that comes from the stored fields API, convert it to the expected type. For instance a date field would store dates as longs and format it back to a string in this method.
      valueForDisplay in class MappedFieldType
    • docValueFormat

      public DocValueFormat docValueFormat​(@Nullable java.lang.String format, java.time.ZoneId timeZone)
      Description copied from class: MappedFieldType
      Return a DocValueFormat that can be used to display and parse values as returned by the fielddata API. The default implementation returns a DocValueFormat.RAW.
      docValueFormat in class MappedFieldType