ElectMasterService |
ElectMasterService.MasterCandidate |
a class to encapsulate all the information about a candidate in a master election
that is needed to decided which of the candidates should win
FaultDetection |
FileBasedUnicastHostsProvider |
MasterFaultDetection |
A fault detection that pings the master periodically to see if its alive.
MasterFaultDetection.MasterPingRequest |
MembershipAction |
MembershipAction.JoinRequest |
MembershipAction.LeaveRequest |
NodeJoinController |
This class processes incoming join request (passed zia ZenDiscovery ).
NodeJoinController.JoinTaskExecutor |
NodesFaultDetection |
A fault detection of multiple nodes.
NodesFaultDetection.Listener |
NodesFaultDetection.PingRequest |
PendingClusterStatesQueue |
A queue that holds all "in-flight" incoming cluster states from the master.
PendingClusterStateStats |
Class encapsulating stats about the PendingClusterStatsQueue
PublishClusterStateAction |
PublishClusterStateAction.CommitClusterStateRequest |
PublishClusterStateStats |
Class encapsulating stats about the PublishClusterStateAction
SettingsBasedHostsProvider |
An implementation of UnicastHostsProvider that reads hosts/ports
from the "discovery.zen.ping.unicast.hosts" node setting.
UnicastZenPing |
ZenDiscovery |
ZenDiscovery.NodeRemovalClusterStateTaskExecutor |
ZenDiscovery.NodeRemovalClusterStateTaskExecutor.Task |
ZenDiscovery.RejoinClusterRequest |
ZenPing.PingCollection |
a utility collection of pings where only the most recent ping is stored per node
ZenPing.PingResponse |