AllocationId |
Uniquely identifies an allocation.
DelayedAllocationService |
The DelayedAllocationService listens to cluster state changes and checks
if there are unassigned shards with delayed allocation (unassigned shards that have
the delay marker).
GroupShardsIterator<ShardIt extends ShardIterator> |
IndexRoutingTable |
IndexRoutingTable.Builder |
IndexShardRoutingTable |
IndexShardRoutingTable.Builder |
Murmur3HashFunction |
Hash function based on the Murmur3 algorithm, which is the default as of Elasticsearch 2.0.
OperationRouting |
PlainShardIterator |
PlainShardsIterator |
RecoverySource |
Represents the recovery source of a shard.
RecoverySource.EmptyStoreRecoverySource |
Recovery from a fresh copy
RecoverySource.ExistingStoreRecoverySource |
Recovery from an existing on-disk store
RecoverySource.LocalShardsRecoverySource |
recovery from other shards on same node (shrink index action)
RecoverySource.PeerRecoverySource |
peer recovery from a primary shard
RecoverySource.SnapshotRecoverySource |
recovery from a snapshot
RotationShardShuffler |
Basic ShardShuffler implementation that uses an AtomicInteger to generate seeds and uses a rotation to permute shards.
RoutingChangesObserver.AbstractRoutingChangesObserver |
RoutingChangesObserver.DelegatingRoutingChangesObserver |
RoutingNode |
A RoutingNode represents a cluster node associated with a single DiscoveryNode including all shards
that are hosted on that nodes.
RoutingNodes |
RoutingNodes.UnassignedShards |
RoutingService |
RoutingTable |
Represents a global cluster-wide routing table for all indices including the
version of the current routing state.
RoutingTable.Builder |
Builder for the routing table.
ShardRouting |
ShardRouting immutably encapsulates information about shard
indexRoutings like id, state, version, etc.
ShardShuffler |
A shuffler for shards whose primary goal is to balance load.
UnassignedInfo |
Holds additional information as to why the shard is in unassigned state.