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accept(ServerSocketChannel) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
acceptChannel(ServerChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a server channel signals it is ready to accept a connection.
acceptChannels(Supplier<NioSelector>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
acceptException(ServerChannelContext, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when an attempt to accept a connection throws an exception.
acceptNioChannel(SocketChannel, Supplier<NioSelector>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
activeException(ChannelContext<?>, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when setting a channel to active throws an exception.
addBindListener(BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
addBindListener(BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
addCloseListener(BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
Add a listener that will be called when the channel is closed.
addCloseListener(BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
Adds a close listener to the channel.
addConnectListener(BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel
addConnectListener(BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
allocatingInstance() - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
assertOnSelectorThread() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector


bindServerChannel(InetSocketAddress, ChannelFactory<S, ?>) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioGroup
Opens and binds a server channel to accept incoming connections.
bindServerChannel(InetSocketAddress, ChannelFactory<S, ?>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelectorGroup
byteBuffer() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Page
Returns the ByteBuffer for this page.
ByteBufferUtils - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio.utils
BytesChannelContext - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
BytesChannelContext(NioSocketChannel, NioSelector, Config.Socket, Consumer<Exception>, NioChannelHandler, InboundChannelBuffer) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesChannelContext
BytesWriteHandler - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
BytesWriteHandler() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler


channel - Variable in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
channelActive() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler
channelActive() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
channelActive() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
channelActive() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
This method is called when the channel is active for use.
channelActive() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
channelBuffer - Variable in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
ChannelContext<S extends SelectableChannel & NetworkChannel> - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
Implements the logic related to interacting with a java.nio channel.
ChannelFactory<ServerSocket extends NioServerSocketChannel,Socket extends NioSocketChannel> - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
ChannelFactory(boolean, boolean, int, int, int, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
This will create a ChannelFactory.
ChannelFactory(boolean, boolean, int, int, int, boolean, int, int, ChannelFactory.RawChannelFactory) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
This will create a ChannelFactory using the raw channel factory passed to the constructor.
ChannelFactory.RawChannelFactory - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
Schedules channel for close.
close() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
close() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioGroup
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelectorGroup
close() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Page
closeChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesChannelContext
closeChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
Schedules a channel to be closed by the selector event loop with which it is registered.
closeChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
closeException(ChannelContext<?>, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when an attempt to close a channel throws an exception.
closeFromSelector() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
This method cleans up any context resources that need to be released when a channel is closed.
closeFromSelector() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
closeNow() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler
closeNow() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
closeNow() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
This method indicates if the underlying channel should be closed.
closeNow() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
Config - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
Config(boolean) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config
Config.ServerSocket - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
Config.Socket - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
connect() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
This method will attempt to complete the connection process for this channel.
connectException(SocketChannelContext, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when an attempt to connect a channel throws an exception.
consumeReads(InboundChannelBuffer) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
consumeReads(InboundChannelBuffer) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
This method handles bytes that have been read from the network.
copyBytes(ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.utils.ByteBufferUtils
Copies bytes from the array of byte buffers into the destination buffer.
copyBytes(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.utils.ByteBufferUtils
Copies bytes from source byte buffer into the destination buffer.
createChannel(NioSelector, SocketChannel, Config.Socket) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
This method should return a new NioSocketChannel implementation.
createServerChannel(NioSelector, ServerSocketChannel, Config.ServerSocket) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
This method should return a new NioServerSocketChannel implementation.
createWriteOperation(SocketChannelContext, Object, BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler
createWriteOperation(SocketChannelContext, Object, BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
createWriteOperation(SocketChannelContext, Object, BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
This method is called when a message is queued with a channel.
currentFlushOperationComplete() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
currentFlushOperationFailed(IOException) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext


DelegatingHandler - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
DelegatingHandler(NioChannelHandler) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
duplicate() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Page
Duplicates this page and increments the reference count.


ensureCapacity(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
EventHandler - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
EventHandler(Consumer<Exception>, Supplier<NioSelector>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
exceptionHandler - Variable in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
ExceptionsHelper - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio.utils
ExceptionsHelper() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.utils.ExceptionsHelper
executeFailedListener(BiConsumer<V, Exception>, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
Executes a failed listener with consistent exception handling.
executeListener(BiConsumer<V, Exception>, V) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
Executes a success listener with consistent exception handling.


flushChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesChannelContext
flushChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
FlushOperation - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
FlushOperation(ByteBuffer[], BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushOperation
FlushReadyWrite - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
FlushReadyWrite(SocketChannelContext, ByteBuffer[], BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushReadyWrite
flushToChannel(FlushOperation) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext


genericChannelException(ChannelContext<?>, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when handling an event from a channel fails due to an unexpected exception.
getBuffersToWrite() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushOperation
getBuffersToWrite(int) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushOperation
getCapacity() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
getChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
getChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushReadyWrite
getChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
getChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
getChannel() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.WriteOperation
getContext() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
getContext() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
getContext() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel
getIndex() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
getIoBuffer() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
Returns a cached direct byte buffer for network operations.
getListener() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushOperation
getListener() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.WriteOperation
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.ServerSocket
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel
getObject() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushReadyWrite
getObject() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.WriteOperation
getPendingFlush() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
getRawChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
getRawChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
getRawChannel() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel
getRemaining() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel
getRemoteAddress(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
getSelectionKey() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
getSelector() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
getSelector() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
getSelector() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
getTaskScheduler() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector


handleActive(ChannelContext<?>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called after a NioChannel is active with the selector.
handleClose(ChannelContext<?>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method handles the closing of an NioChannel
handleConnect(SocketChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a NioSocketChannel has just been accepted or if it has receive an OP_CONNECT event.
handleException(Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
handleRead(SocketChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a channel signals it is ready for be read.
handleReadBytes() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
handleRegistration(ChannelContext<?>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a NioChannel is being registered with the selector.
handleTask(Runnable) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a task or listener attached to a channel is available to run.
handleWrite(SocketChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a channel signals it is ready to receive writes.


InboundChannelBuffer - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
This is a channel byte buffer composed internally of 16kb pages.
InboundChannelBuffer(IntFunction<Page>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
incrementIndex(int) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushOperation
incrementIndex(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
isAccepted() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
isClosing - Variable in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
isConnectComplete() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
isFullyFlushed() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.FlushOperation
isOnCurrentThread() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
isOpen() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
isOpen() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
isOpen() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
isRunning() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
isWriteInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Checks for an interest in writes for this selection key.


NioChannel - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
This is a basic channel abstraction used by the NioSelector.
NioChannel() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannel
NioChannelHandler - Interface in org.elasticsearch.nio
Implements the application specific logic for handling channel operations.
NioGroup - Interface in org.elasticsearch.nio
An class for interfacing with java.nio.
NioSelector - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
This is a nio selector implementation.
NioSelector(EventHandler) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
NioSelector(EventHandler, Selector) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
NioSelectorGroup - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
The NioSelectorGroup is a group of selectors for interfacing with java nio.
NioSelectorGroup(ThreadFactory, int, ThreadFactory, int, Function<Supplier<NioSelector>, EventHandler>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelectorGroup
This will create an NioSelectorGroup with dedicated acceptors.
NioSelectorGroup(ThreadFactory, int, Function<Supplier<NioSelector>, EventHandler>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelectorGroup
This will create an NioSelectorGroup with no dedicated acceptors.
NioServerSocketChannel - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
NioServerSocketChannel(ServerSocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
NioSocketChannel - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
NioSocketChannel(SocketChannel) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel


openChannel(InetSocketAddress, ChannelFactory<?, S>) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioGroup
Opens a outgoing client channel.
openChannel(InetSocketAddress, ChannelFactory<?, S>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelectorGroup
openNioChannel(InetSocketAddress, Supplier<NioSelector>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
openNioServerSocketChannel(InetSocketAddress, Supplier<NioSelector>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory
org.elasticsearch.nio - package org.elasticsearch.nio
org.elasticsearch.nio.utils - package org.elasticsearch.nio.utils


Page - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
Page(ByteBuffer, Releasable) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.Page
PAGE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
pollFlushOperations() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler
pollFlushOperations() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
pollFlushOperations() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
Returns any flush operations that are ready to flush.
pollTask(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.TaskScheduler
postHandling(SocketChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called after events (READ, WRITE, CONNECT) have been handled for a channel.


queueChannelClose(NioChannel) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
queueWrite(WriteOperation) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
Queues a write operation to be handled by the event loop.
queueWriteOperation(WriteOperation) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext


rawChannel - Variable in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
RawChannelFactory() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelFactory.RawChannelFactory
rawSelector() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
read() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesChannelContext
read() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
readException(SocketChannelContext, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when an attempt to read from a channel throws an exception.
readFromChannel(InboundChannelBuffer) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
readyForFlush() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
register() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
register() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
register() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
registrationException(ChannelContext<?>, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when an attempt to register a channel throws an exception.
release(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
This method will release bytes from the head of this buffer.
removeConnectInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Removes an interest in connects for this selection key while maintaining other interests.
removeWriteInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Removes an interest in writes for this selection key while maintaining other interests.
rethrowAndSuppress(List<T>) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.utils.ExceptionsHelper
Rethrows the first exception in the list and adds all remaining to the suppressed list.
runLoop() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
Starts this selector.


scheduleAtRelativeTime(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.TaskScheduler
Schedule a task at the defined relative nanotime.
scheduleForRegistration(NioChannel) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSelector
Schedules a NioChannel to be registered with this selector.
SelectionKeyUtils - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
selectorException(IOException) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method handles an IOException that was thrown during a call to or Selector.close().
selectorShouldClose() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesChannelContext
selectorShouldClose() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
This method indicates if a selector should close this channel.
sendMessage(Object, BiConsumer<Void, Exception>) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
ServerChannelContext - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
ServerChannelContext(NioServerSocketChannel, ChannelFactory<?, ?>, NioSelector, Config.ServerSocket, Consumer<NioSocketChannel>, Consumer<Exception>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.ServerChannelContext
ServerSocket(boolean, InetSocketAddress) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.ServerSocket
setAcceptInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Adds an interest in accepts for this selection key while maintaining other interests.
setCloseNow() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext
setConnectAndReadInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Removes an interest in connects and reads for this selection key while maintaining other interests.
setConnectReadAndWriteInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Removes an interest in connects, reads, and writes for this selection key while maintaining other interests.
setContext(ServerChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
This method sets the context for a server socket channel.
setContext(SocketChannelContext) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel
setSelectionKey(SelectionKey) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.ChannelContext
setWriteInterested(SelectionKey) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.SelectionKeyUtils
Adds an interest in writes for this selection key while maintaining other interests.
sliceAndRetainPagesTo(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
This method will return an array of Page representing the bytes from the beginning of this buffer up through the index argument that was passed.
sliceBuffersFrom(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
This method will return an array of ByteBuffer representing the bytes from the index passed through the end of this buffer.
sliceBuffersTo(long) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.InboundChannelBuffer
This method will return an array of ByteBuffer representing the bytes from the beginning of this buffer up through the index argument that was passed.
Socket(boolean, boolean, int, int, int, boolean, int, int, InetSocketAddress, boolean) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
SocketChannelContext - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
This context should implement the specific logic for a channel.
SocketChannelContext(NioSocketChannel, NioSelector, Config.Socket, Consumer<Exception>, NioChannelHandler, InboundChannelBuffer) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.SocketChannelContext


taskException(Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when a task or listener attached to a channel operation throws an exception.
TaskScheduler - Class in org.elasticsearch.nio
A basic priority queue backed timer service.
TaskScheduler() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.nio.TaskScheduler
tcpKeepAlive() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
tcpKeepCount() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
tcpKeepIdle() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
tcpKeepInterval() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
tcpNoDelay() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
tcpReceiveBufferSize() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
tcpReuseAddress() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config
tcpSendBufferSize() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.Config.Socket
toString() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioServerSocketChannel
toString() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.NioSocketChannel


uncaughtException(Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method handles an exception that was uncaught during a select loop.


writeException(SocketChannelContext, Exception) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.EventHandler
This method is called when an attempt to write to a channel throws an exception.
WriteOperation - Interface in org.elasticsearch.nio
This is a basic write operation that can be queued with a channel.
writeToBytes(WriteOperation) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.BytesWriteHandler
writeToBytes(WriteOperation) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.nio.DelegatingHandler
writeToBytes(WriteOperation) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.nio.NioChannelHandler
This method is called on the event loop thread.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values