All Classes and Interfaces

Utilities for common Bit twiddling methods.
Circle geometry (not part of WKT standard, but used in elasticsearch) defined by lat/lon coordinates of the center in degrees and optional altitude in meters.
Utility class for storing different helpful re-usable spatial functions
Validator that checks that lats are between -90 and +90 and lons are between -180 and +180 and altitude is present only if ignoreZValue is set to true
Utilities for converting to/from the GeoHash standard The geohash long format is represented as lon/lat (x/y) interleaved with the 4 least significant bits representing the level (1-12) [xyxy...xyxyllll] This differs from a morton encoded value which interleaves lat/lon (y/x).
Base class for all Geometry objects supported by elasticsearch
Collection of arbitrary geometry classes
The geometry simplifier can simplify any geometry, and does so by internally making use of the StreamingGeometrySimplifier, to minimize memory usages.
This class wraps a collection of other simplifiers.
This simplifier simply returns the original geometry unsimplified.
This behaves the same as the Line simplifier except that it assumes the first and last point are the same point.
Simplifies a Line geometry to the specified maximum number of points.
This class wraps a collection of Polygon simplifiers.
This class wraps a collection of LinearRing simplifiers for polygon holes.
Generic geometry validator that can be used by the parser to verify the validity of the parsed geometry
Support class for creating Geometry Visitors.
Represents a Line on the earth's surface in lat/lon decimal degrees and optional altitude in meters.
Represents a closed line on the earth's surface in lat/lon decimal degrees and optional altitude in meters.
Represents a MultiLine geometry object on the earth's surface.
Represents a MultiPoint object on the earth's surface in decimal degrees and optional altitude in meters.
Collection of polygons
Represents a Point on the earth's surface in decimal degrees and optional altitude in meters.
Represents a closed polygon on the earth's surface with optional holes
Represents a lat/lon rectangle in decimal degrees and optional altitude in meters.
Shape types supported by elasticsearch
Estimate the error as the height of the point above the base, but including support for back-paths in the sense that of the point to be removed is father from either end than the height, we take that distance instead.
Calculate the triangle area using cartesian coordinates as described at Area of a triangle
This record captures a point defined using a 3D vector (x, y, z)
This 3D rotation matrix allows for rotating 3D vectors (eg.
Estimate the error as the height of the point above the base, but including support for back-paths in the sense that of the point to be removed is father from either end than the height, we take that distance instead.
Calculate the triangle area using geographic coordinates and Herons formula (side lengths) as described at Area of a triangle
Calculate the triangle area using geographic coordinates and Herons formula (side lengths) as described at Area of a triangle, but scale the area down by the inverse of the length of the base (left-right), which estimates the height of the triangle.
Math functions that trade off accuracy for speed.
Validator that only checks that altitude only shows up if ignoreZValue is set to true.
The streaming geometry simplifier can only simplify geometries composed on a single list of Points provided on a stream.
This behaves the same as the LineSimplifier except that it assumes the first and last point are the same point.
Simplifies a Line geometry to the specified maximum number of points.
Implementation of this interface will receive calls with internal data at each step of the simplification algorithm.
Override this method to use alternative objects within the algorithm.
Each point on the geometry has an error estimate, which is a measure of how much error would be introduced to the geometry should this point be removed from the geometry.
Override this method to use alternative objects within the algorithm.
As with the LinearRingSimplifier, this works similarly to the LineSimplifier except that it assumes the and requires that first and last point are the same point.
Utility class for converting Geometry to and from WKB
Utility class for converting to and from WKT