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AbstractRefCounted - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
A basic RefCounted implementation that is initialized with a ref count of 1 and calls AbstractRefCounted.closeInternal() once it reaches a 0 ref count.
AbstractRefCounted() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
accept(T) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.CheckedConsumer
addExports(String, Module) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
Add a qualified export.
addExportsAndOpens(Module) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
Add exports and opens for a target module.
addOpens(String, Module) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
Add a qualified open.
ALREADY_CLOSED_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
alreadyClosed() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
andThen(CheckedConsumer<? super T, E>) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.CheckedConsumer
apply(T) - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.CheckedFunction
Assertions - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Provides a static final field that can be used to check if assertions are enabled.
assertOnce(Releasable) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
atan(double) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.ESSloppyMath


Booleans - Class in org.elasticsearch.core


CharArrays - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Helper class similar to Arrays to handle conversions for Char arrays
charsBeginsWith(String, char[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.CharArrays
Tests if a char[] contains a sequence of characters that match the prefix.
CheckedConsumer<T,E extends Exception> - Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
A Consumer-like interface which allows throwing checked exceptions.
CheckedFunction<T,R,E extends Exception> - Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
A Function-like interface which allows throwing checked exceptions.
CheckedRunnable<E extends Exception> - Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
A Runnable-like interface which allows throwing checked exceptions.
checkJarHell(Consumer<String>) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JarHell
Checks the current classpath for duplicate classes
checkJarHell(Set<URL>, Consumer<String>) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JarHell
Checks the set of URLs for duplicate classes
checkJavaVersion(String, String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JarHell
Checks that the java specification version targetVersion required by resource is compatible with the current installation.
close() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.Releasable
close(Closeable) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
close(Closeable...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Closes all given Closeables.
close(Exception, Closeable...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Closes all given Closeables.
close(Iterable<? extends Closeable>) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Closes all given Closeables.
close(Iterable<? extends Releasable>) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Release the provided Releasables.
close(Releasable) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Release the provided Releasable.
close(Releasable...) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Release the provided Releasables.
closeExpectNoException(Releasable) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Release the provided Releasable expecting no exception to by thrown.
closeExpectNoException(Releasable...) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Release the provided Releasables expecting no exception to by thrown by any of them.
closeInternal() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
Method that is invoked once the reference count reaches zero.
closeWhileHandlingException(Closeable) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
closeWhileHandlingException(Closeable...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions.
closeWhileHandlingException(Iterable<? extends Closeable>) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions.
closeWhileHandlingException(Releasable...) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Release the provided Releasables, ignoring exceptions.
compareTo(TimeValue) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
constantTimeEquals(char[], char[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.CharArrays
Constant time equality check of char arrays to avoid potential timing attacks.
constantTimeEquals(String, String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.CharArrays
Constant time equality check of strings to avoid potential timing attacks.
copy(InputStream, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
copy(InputStream, OutputStream, byte[], boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
Copy the contents of the given InputStream to the given OutputStream.
current() - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion


days() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
daysFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
decRef() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
decRef() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.RefCounted
Decreases the refCount of this instance.
deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Path...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions.
duration() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue


EmbeddedImplClassLoader - Class in org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider
A class loader that is responsible for loading implementation classes and resources embedded within an archive.
ENABLED - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.Assertions
equals(Object) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equalTo(RestApiVersion) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
ESSloppyMath - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Similar to Lucene's SloppyMath, but for additional math functions.


findClass(String) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider.EmbeddedImplClassLoader
findClass(String, String) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider.EmbeddedImplClassLoader
findResource(String) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider.EmbeddedImplClassLoader
findResources(String) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider.EmbeddedImplClassLoader
forciblyCast(Object) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Types
There are some situations where we cannot appease javac's type checking, and we need to forcibly cast an object's type.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Strings
Returns a formatted string using the specified format string and arguments.
fsync(Path, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Ensure that any writes to the given file is written to the storage device that contains it.
fsync(Path, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Ensure that any writes to the given file is written to the storage device that contains it.


get() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider.ProviderLocator
get(String, String...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.PathUtils
Returns a Path from name components.
get(URI) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.PathUtils
Returns a Path from a URI
get(Path[], String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.PathUtils
Tries to resolve the given path against the list of available roots.
get(Path[], URI) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.PathUtils
Tries to resolve the given file uri against the list of available roots.
getDays() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getDaysFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getDefaultFileSystem() - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.PathUtils
Returns the default FileSystem.
getDetected() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JdkJarHellCheck
getHours() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getHoursFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getMicros() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getMicrosFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getMillis() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getMillisFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getMinutes() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getMinutesFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getNanos() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getSeconds() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getSecondsFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getStringRep() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
getTargets() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
Returns all qualified targets of the owning module.
Glob - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Utility class for glob-like matching
globMatch(String, String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Glob
Match a String against the given pattern, supporting the following simple pattern styles: "xxx*", "*xxx", "*xxx*" and "xxx*yyy" matches (with an arbitrary number of pattern parts), as well as direct equality.


hashCode() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
hashCode() - Method in record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hasReferences() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
hasReferences() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.RefCounted
Returns true only if there was at least one active reference when the method was called; if it returns false then the object is closed; future attempts to acquire references will fail.
hours() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
hoursFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue


incRef() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
incRef() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.RefCounted
Increments the refCount of this instance.
INVALID_DECREF_MESSAGE - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
IOUtils - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Utilities for common I/O methods.
isBoolean(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
returns true iff the sequence of chars is one of "true","false".
isBoolean(String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
isBooleanLenient(char[], int, int) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
Only kept to provide automatic upgrades for pre 6.0 indices. Use Booleans.isBoolean(char[], int, int) instead.
isFalse(String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
isTrue(String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans


JarHell - Class in org.elasticsearch.jdk
Simple check for duplicate class files across the classpath.
JdkJarHellCheck - Class in org.elasticsearch.jdk


LINUX - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
log(double) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.ESSloppyMath


MAC_OS_X - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JarHell
Simple driver class, can be used eg.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JdkJarHellCheck
major - Variable in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
matches(Predicate<RestApiVersion>) - Method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
MAX_VALUE - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
micros() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
microsFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
millis() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
millisFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
minimumSupported() - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
MINUS_ONE - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
minutes() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
minutesFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
module - Variable in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
ModuleQualifiedExportsService - Class in org.elasticsearch.jdk
An object that provides a callback for qualified exports and opens.
ModuleQualifiedExportsService() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
ModuleQualifiedExportsService(Module) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.jdk.ModuleQualifiedExportsService
mustIncRef() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.RefCounted
Similar to RefCounted.incRef() except that it also asserts that it managed to acquire the ref, for use in situations where it is a bug if all refs have been released.


nanos() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
noCloseStream(OutputStream) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
Wraps an OutputStream such that it's close method becomes a noop
NSEC_PER_MSEC - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
How many nano-seconds in one milli-second
nsecToMSec(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
Nullable - Annotation Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
The presence of this annotation on a method parameter indicates that null is an acceptable value for that parameter.


of(Runnable) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
Construct an AbstractRefCounted which runs the given Runnable when all references are released.
onOrAfter(RestApiVersion) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
org.elasticsearch.base - module org.elasticsearch.base
org.elasticsearch.core - package org.elasticsearch.core
org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider - package org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider
org.elasticsearch.jdk - package org.elasticsearch.jdk


parseBoolean(char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
Parses a char[] representation of a boolean value to boolean.
parseBoolean(String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
Parses a string representation of a boolean value to boolean.
parseBoolean(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
parseBoolean(String, Boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
parseBooleanLenient(char[], int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
Only kept to provide automatic upgrades for pre 6.0 indices. Use Booleans.parseBoolean(char[], int, int, boolean) instead
parseBooleanLenient(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
Only kept to provide automatic upgrades for pre 6.0 indices. Use Booleans.parseBoolean(String, boolean) instead.
parseBooleanLenient(String, Boolean) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Booleans
Only kept to provide automatic upgrades for pre 6.0 indices. Use Booleans.parseBoolean(String, Boolean) instead.
parseClassPath() - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JarHell
Parses the classpath into an array of URLs
parseModulesAndClassPath() - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.jdk.JarHell
Returns a set of URLs that contain artifacts from both the non-JDK boot modules and class path.
parseTimeValue(String, String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
parseTimeValue(String, TimeValue, String) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
PathUtils - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Utilities for creating a Path from names, or accessing the default FileSystem.
previous() - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
ProviderLocator<T> - Class in org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider
A provider locator that finds the implementation of the specified provider.
ProviderLocator(String, Class<T>, String, Set<String>) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.core.internal.provider.ProviderLocator


read(InputStream, ByteBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
Read up to {code count} bytes from input and store them into buffer.
readFully(InputStream, byte[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
readFully(InputStream, byte[], int, int) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.Streams
reason() - Element in annotation interface org.elasticsearch.core.SuppressForbidden
refCount() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
Returns the current reference count.
RefCounted - Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
An interface for objects that need to be notified when all reference to itself are not in user anymore.
Releasable - Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
Specialization of Closeable that may only throw a RuntimeException.
Releasables - Enum Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Utility methods to work with Releasables.
releaseOnce(Releasable) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Wraps a Releasable such that its Releasable.close() method can be called multiple times without double-releasing.
RestApiVersion - Enum Class in org.elasticsearch.core
A enum representing versions of the REST API (particularly with regard to backwards compatibility).
rm(Path...) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
Deletes one or more files or directories (and everything underneath it).
run() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.CheckedRunnable


seconds() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
secondsFrac() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
sinh(double) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.ESSloppyMath
Streams - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Simple utility methods for file and stream copying.
Strings - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Utilities related to String class
Strings() - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.core.Strings
SuppressForbidden - Annotation Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
Annotation to suppress forbidden-apis errors inside a whole class, a method, or a field.


timeUnit() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
TimeValue - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
TimeValue(long) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
TimeValue(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
timeValueDays(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
timeValueHours(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
timeValueMillis(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
timeValueMinutes(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
timeValueNanos(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
timeValueSeconds(long) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
toHumanReadableString(int) - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
Returns a String representation of the current TimeValue.
toString() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
Returns a String representation of the current TimeValue.
toString() - Method in record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Returns a string representation of this record class.
touch() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
Called whenever the ref count is incremented or decremented.
toUtf8Bytes(char[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.CharArrays
Encodes the provided char[] to a UTF-8 byte[].
tryIncRef() - Method in class org.elasticsearch.core.AbstractRefCounted
tryIncRef() - Method in interface org.elasticsearch.core.RefCounted
Tries to increment the refCount of this instance.
tuple(V1, V2) - Static method in record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Tuple<V1,V2> - Record Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Tuple(V1, V2) - Constructor for record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Creates an instance of a Tuple record class.
Types - Class in org.elasticsearch.core
Contains utilities for working with Java types.


UpdateForV9 - Annotation Interface in org.elasticsearch.core
Annotation to identify a block of code (a whole class, a method, or a field) that needs to be reviewed (for cleanup, remove or change) before releasing 9.0
UTF_8 - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
UTF-8 charset string.
utf8BytesToChars(byte[]) - Static method in class org.elasticsearch.core.CharArrays
Decodes the provided byte[] to a UTF-8 char[].


V_7 - Enum constant in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
V_8 - Enum constant in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
v1() - Method in record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Returns the value of the v1 record component.
v2() - Method in record class org.elasticsearch.core.Tuple
Returns the value of the v2 record component.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.RestApiVersion
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


WINDOWS - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.IOUtils
wrap(Iterable<? extends Releasable>) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables
Wrap several releasables into a single one.
wrap(Releasable...) - Static method in enum class org.elasticsearch.core.Releasables


ZERO - Static variable in class org.elasticsearch.core.TimeValue
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values