Class IOUtils


public final class IOUtils extends Object
Utilities for common I/O methods. Borrowed heavily from Lucene (org.apache.lucene.util.IOUtils).
  • Field Details

    • UTF_8

      public static final String UTF_8
      UTF-8 charset string.

      Where possible, use StandardCharsets.UTF_8 instead, as using the String constant may slow things down.

      See Also:

      public static final boolean WINDOWS
    • LINUX

      public static final boolean LINUX
    • MAC_OS_X

      public static final boolean MAC_OS_X
  • Method Details

    • close

      public static void close(Closeable... objects) throws IOException
      Closes all given Closeables. Some of the Closeables may be null; they are ignored. After everything is closed, the method either throws the first exception it hit while closing with other exceptions added as suppressed, or completes normally if there were no exceptions.
      objects - objects to close
    • close

      public static void close(@Nullable Closeable closeable) throws IOException
      See Also:
    • close

      public static void close(Exception ex, Closeable... objects) throws IOException
      Closes all given Closeables. Some of the Closeables may be null; they are ignored. After everything is closed, the method adds any exceptions as suppressed to the original exception, or throws the first exception it hit if Exception is null. If no exceptions are encountered and the passed in exception is null, it completes normally.
      objects - objects to close
    • close

      public static void close(Iterable<? extends Closeable> objects) throws IOException
      Closes all given Closeables. Some of the Closeables may be null; they are ignored. After everything is closed, the method either throws the first exception it hit while closing with other exceptions added as suppressed, or completes normally if there were no exceptions.
      objects - objects to close
    • closeWhileHandlingException

      public static void closeWhileHandlingException(Closeable... objects)
      Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions. Some of the Closeables may be null, they are ignored.
      objects - objects to close
    • closeWhileHandlingException

      public static void closeWhileHandlingException(Iterable<? extends Closeable> objects)
      Closes all given Closeables, suppressing all thrown exceptions.
      objects - objects to close
      See Also:
    • closeWhileHandlingException

      public static void closeWhileHandlingException(Closeable closeable)
      See Also:
    • deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions

      public static void deleteFilesIgnoringExceptions(Path... files)
      Deletes all given files, suppressing all thrown IOExceptions. Some of the files may be null, if so they are ignored.
      files - the paths of files to delete
    • rm

      public static void rm(Path... locations) throws IOException
      Deletes one or more files or directories (and everything underneath it).
      IOException - if any of the given files (or their sub-hierarchy files in case of directories) cannot be removed.
    • fsync

      public static void fsync(Path fileToSync, boolean isDir) throws IOException
      Ensure that any writes to the given file is written to the storage device that contains it. The isDir parameter specifies whether or not the path to sync is a directory. This is needed because we open for read and ignore an IOException since not all filesystems and operating systems support fsyncing on a directory. For regular files we must open for write for the fsync to have an effect.
      fileToSync - the file to fsync
      isDir - if true, the given file is a directory (we open for read and ignore IOExceptions, because not all file systems and operating systems allow to fsync on a directory)
    • fsync

      public static void fsync(Path fileToSync, boolean isDir, boolean metaData) throws IOException
      Ensure that any writes to the given file is written to the storage device that contains it. The isDir parameter specifies whether or not the path to sync is a directory. This is needed because we open for read and ignore an IOException since not all filesystems and operating systems support fsyncing on a directory. For regular files we must open for write for the fsync to have an effect.
      fileToSync - the file to fsync
      isDir - if true, the given file is a directory (we open for read and ignore IOExceptions, because not all file systems and operating systems allow to fsync on a directory)
      metaData - if true both the file's content and metadata will be sync, otherwise only the file's content will be sync