Package org.elasticsearch.client.rollup.job.config

package org.elasticsearch.client.rollup.job.config
  • Classes
    The configuration object for the histograms in the rollup config { "groups": [ "date_histogram": { "field" : "foo", "interval" : "1d", "delay": "30d", "time_zone" : "EST" } ] }
    CalendarInterval is a DateHistogramGroupConfig that uses calendar-aware intervals for rolling up data.
    FixedInterval is a DateHistogramGroupConfig that uses a fixed time interval for rolling up data.
    The configuration object for the groups section in the rollup config.
    The configuration object for the histograms in the rollup config { "groups": [ "histogram": { "fields" : [ "foo", "bar" ], "interval" : 123 } ] }
    The configuration object for the metrics portion of a rollup job config { "metrics": [ { "field": "foo", "metrics": [ "min", "max", "sum"] }, { "field": "bar", "metrics": [ "max" ] } ] }
    This class holds the configuration details of a rollup job, such as the groupings, metrics, what index to rollup and where to roll them to.
    The configuration object for the histograms in the rollup config { "groups": [ "terms": { "fields" : [ "foo", "bar" ] } ] }