Package org.elasticsearch.client.graph

package org.elasticsearch.client.graph
Request and Response objects for the default distribution's Graph APIs.
  • Class Summary
    A Connection links exactly two Vertex objects.
    An identifier (implements hashcode and equals) that represents a unique key for a Connection
    Holds the criteria required to guide the exploration of connected terms which can be returned as a graph.
    Graph explore response holds a graph of Vertex and Connection objects (nodes and edges in common graph parlance).
    A Hop represents one of potentially many stages in a graph exploration.
    A vertex in a graph response represents a single term (a field and value pair) which appears in one or more documents found as part of the graph exploration.
    An identifier (implements hashcode and equals) that represents a unique key for a Vertex
    A request to identify terms from a choice of field as part of a Hop.