Class GetIndexTemplatesRequest

    • Constructor Detail

      • GetIndexTemplatesRequest

        public GetIndexTemplatesRequest​(java.lang.String... names)
        Create a request to read the content of one or more index templates. If no template names are provided, all templates will be read
        names - the names of templates to read
      • GetIndexTemplatesRequest

        public GetIndexTemplatesRequest​(java.util.List<java.lang.String> names)
        Create a request to read the content of one or more index templates. If no template names are provided, all templates will be read
        names - the names of templates to read
    • Method Detail

      • names

        public java.util.List<java.lang.String> names()
        the names of index templates this request is requesting
      • getMasterNodeTimeout

        public TimeValue getMasterNodeTimeout()
        the timeout for waiting for the master node to respond
      • setMasterNodeTimeout

        public void setMasterNodeTimeout​(@Nullable
                                         TimeValue masterNodeTimeout)
      • setMasterNodeTimeout

        public void setMasterNodeTimeout​(java.lang.String masterNodeTimeout)
      • isLocal

        public boolean isLocal()
        true if this request is to read from the local cluster state, rather than the master node - false otherwise
      • setLocal

        public void setLocal​(boolean local)