Interface LookAheadJsonParser

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable,
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface LookAheadJsonParser extends
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    <Variant> Map.Entry<Variant,>
    findVariant(Map<String,Variant> variants)
    In union types, find the variant to be used by looking up property names in the JSON stream until we find one that uniquely identifies the variant.
    lookAheadFieldValue(String name, String defaultValue)
    Look ahead the value of a text property in the JSON stream.

    Methods inherited from interface

    close, getArray, getArrayStream, getBigDecimal, getInt, getLocation, getLong, getObject, getObjectStream, getString, getValue, getValueStream, hasNext, isIntegralNumber, next, skipArray, skipObject
  • Method Details

    • lookAheadFieldValue

      Map.Entry<String,> lookAheadFieldValue(String name, String defaultValue)
      Look ahead the value of a text property in the JSON stream. The parser must be on the START_OBJECT event.
      name - the field name to look up.
      defaultValue - default value if the field is not found.
      a pair containing the field value (or null if not found), and a parser to be used to read the JSON object.
    • findVariant

      <Variant> Map.Entry<Variant,> findVariant(Map<String,Variant> variants)
      In union types, find the variant to be used by looking up property names in the JSON stream until we find one that uniquely identifies the variant.
      Type Parameters:
      Variant - the type of variant descriptors used by the caller.
      variants - a map of variant descriptors, keyed by the property name that uniquely identifies the variant.
      a pair containing the variant descriptor (or null if not found), and a parser to be used to read the JSON object.